What is the correlation between nutrition and brain health?
"...the food that you eat drives the cells that make you think; simply put, to better your body you must better your brain..."
My personal list of the top supplements that improve brain health_
Multivitamins bridge any gaps of micro nutrient deficiencies that may exist in your diet. Deficiencies of any vitamin or mineral has a long list of associated issues that go with it. A good multivitamin is the foundation of health and nutrition. Take a look at the reviews of many of the popular brands for factors such as ingredients, areas of improvement, quality level, and overall value. If you are looking for a high quality liquid multivitamin, I suggest a visit to your local GNC or Vitamin shop today!
*Omega-3 fatty acids*
Omega 3 fatty acids are poly-unsaturated fatty acids. Studies show that a diet rich in omega 3 fatty acids may help lower triglycerides and increase HDL cholesterol (the good cholesterol). Omega 3 fatty acids may also act as an anticoagulant to prevent blood from clotting. Several other studies also suggest that these fatty acids may help lower high blood pressure. * All fish contain omega 3 fatty acids, but they are more concentrated in fatty fish such as mackerel, salmon, sardines and herring. The American Heart Association recommends eating fish at least 2 times a week.
* Many commercial food products, such as bread and baked goods, yogurt and infant formula are now fortified with omega 3 fatty acids.
* Other food sources of omega 3s include:
o Soybeans and tofu
o Some nuts and seeds like walnuts, flax seeds, and pumpkin seeds
o Cooking oils such as flax seed oil, canola oil, and soybean oil
o Some eggs, such as omega-3 enhanced eggs
*Vitamin D*
There is a vast body of science showing the many health benefits of vitamin D. You may be surprised to learn the important role that vitamin D plays in your health.Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that the body can make from a precursor in the skin. With the help of cholesterol, the body uses sunlight to convert this Vitamin D precursor into active Vitamin D. Because of the unique way that Vitamin D can be synthesized, people who spend adequate time in the sun do not need to obtain this nutrient from foods.
There are two forms of Vitamin D, one made by plants (ergocalciferol or Vitamin D2) and one made by animals (cholecalciferol or Vitamin D3). Both forms of Vitamin D can be synthesized from sunlight.
Though it is considered a vitamin, Vitamin D actually acts much like a hormone by attaching to DNA receptors to promote cell differentiation. Vitamin D is most active in the intestine, kidneys, and bones.
One of the most important roles of Vitamin D in the human body is to boost the absorption of calcium into bone. In addition to being vital to bone development and strength, Vitamin D is also an important partner in many other processes that require calcium.
Vitamin D also helps to keep teeth and gums healthy, especially in older adults. Studies show that inflammatory gum disease occurs much less frequently in people older than 50 who have adequate Vitamin D intake.
Two signs that Vitamin D may not be present in the body in adequate amounts are poor bone development in children (a condition known as rickets) and softening of the bone (osteomalacia) in adults. Bone pain and fractures may also indicate a need for more Vitamin D. In addition, since Vitamin D is involved in cell growth and differentiation, it may play a role in preventing certain cancers.
Recommended daily amounts of Vitamin D are 5 micrograms (200 I.U.) for children, 5-10 micrograms (200-400 I.U.) for adults up to age 70, and 15 (600 I.U.) micrograms for adults 70 and older. In most cases, Vitamin D requirements can be met with adequate sun exposure.
However, some people, such as those who are home bound or live in cool climates where skin is usually covered or those who wear sunscreen all of the time may need to obtain Vitamin D from foods.
Foods that are naturally good sources of Vitamin D include cod, snapper, shrimp, halibut, and eggs. Because it is so important to skeletal development, milk and other foods are often fortified with Vitamin D.
Vitamin D is also available in supplements, usually as part of a calcium or multivitamin formula. Vitamin D should not be taken in supplemental doses of more than 100 micrograms (2000 I.U.).
Too much Vitamin D can raise levels of blood calcium above normal limits and put one at risk for developing kidney stones. Excess calcium can also cause blood vessels to constrict, possibly resulting in high blood pressure. In addition, Vitamin D toxicity may cause headaches, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, irritability, or loss of appetite.
Certain health conditions may affect a person’s ability to absorb and utilize Vitamin D. Since it is a fat-soluble nutrient, people on low fat diets and those who are unable to absorb fat due to digestive disorders may not absorb adequate amounts of Vitamin D.
Also, parathyroid, kidney, or liver disease may compromise the conversion of Vitamin D precursors into the active form of Vitamin D. Also, since fewer Vitamin D precursors are produced in the skin as people age, older people may be at greater risk for Vitamin D deficiency.
Certain medications, such as anticonvulsants, bile acid sequestrants, stomach medications, hormones, corticosteroids, and anticoagulants, can interfere with the body’s ability to absorb Vitamin D, while Vitamin D can interfere with calcium channel-blockers. While Vitamin D encourages the release of calcium into the blood, calcium channel blockers discourage this release.
*Ginko Bulba*
The ginkgo biloba benefits are well known all over the world. First of all, this herb is recognized for its memory improvement effects. Studies for this matter have been performed even from 30 years ago. The number of such studies has exceeded 300, but the scientists continue to search for any other possible benefits.
Memory loss can be determined by a bad circulation of the blood to the brain. Ginkgo biloba improves the blood flow to the brains and also enhances the overall circulation. Some of the substances contained by ginkgo biloba dilate the blood vessels and help the blood to circulate easier. This herb also alters the platelets, which have a vital role in the coagulation of the blood. Therefore, people who follow a treatment based on ginkgo biloba are recommended not to take anti-coagulants such as aspirin.
If a hemorrhage occurs, the coagulation will take more time, in this situation. On the other hand, the ginkgo biloba extract prevents the appearance of blood clots in the vessels. Stroke, which is also one of the causes of memory loss, can be avoided by using supplements based on ginkgo biloba.
The herb contains more then 40 active substances. However, out of all these, most of the ginkgo biloba benefits are due to flavonoids and terpenoids. These substances are some of the best known antioxidants. Their role is to improve the memory, but they are also used as remedies for vertigo. Flavonoids and terpenoids also have an important role in the metabolism. They increase the efficiency of the immune system by neutralizing the effect of the free radicals.
Controlling the conversion of cholesterol to plaque is also one of the most important ginkgo biloba benefits. Cholesterol can harden the circulation of the blood by depositing on the arteries. If hypercholesterolemia is not treated, the risk of stroke increases. The extract of ginkgo biloba enlarges the blood vessels but also helps them to relax.
Memory enhancement is only one of the ginkgo biloba benefits related to the mental processes. The reaction time, as well as the mental clarity, can be improved by using supplements based on ginkgo biloba. Approximately 20 percent of the oxygen consumed by the body goes to the brain. The ginkgo biloba extract prevents this amount from becoming lower.
Furthermore, the ginkgo biloba benefits also include improvement of the ear and eye conditions. As many studies have revealed, ginkgo biloba can be successfully used for treating eye problems when these are determined by diabetes or age-related macular degeneration.
Discover the memory supplement we personally use with excellent health results - http://www.memory-supplement-guide.com
After years of research in to memory supplements, we have found that New Zealand contains some of the most natural and purest ingredients in the world, especially when it comes to manufacturing memory supplements.
Jean Helmet is one of the editors at a collection of nutritional web sites, you can learn more about memory, focus, and concentration at this great website I refer to very often - http://www.memory-focus-guide.com
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Sunday, August 15, 2010
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