Sunday, December 5, 2010
"Fitness As A Lifestyle" Features Lane Colleges' Pierre Robertson!
This month's "Fitness As A Lifestyle" Athlete Spotlight focuses on Lane Colleges' 6 foot 3 starting point guard and all around athlete Pierre Robertson! Recently I had the chance to sit down with the Dragons shining star to not only discuss his goals with Lane College as a student athlete but more importantly how a healthy diet and consistent regiment play into his success on and off the court.
So, Pierre, How exactly did basketball start for you?
I started playing basketball, just about how every other kid picks up a sport growing up. It was introduced to me at the playgrounds during my elementary school years, I stuck with it, and now I'm playing college basketball.
How serious do you take the sport?
Growing up, it was always something that I just did for fun and enjoyed doing. I really didn't start taking it serious until the summer after my junior year in college. I looked back on what I had did so far, and it motivated me to take it to an even higher level.
How hectic is your training schedule and give me a breakdown of a "typical" day of yours?
My schedule can get pretty hectic at times, but as long as you prepare for it beforehand, everything runs smoothly. On a typical day, I wake up at about 7am for a morning run. I get done with that at about 7:45, shower and head to my 9:00 class. That class is scheduled to be over at 11am and after that me and my teammate go to the weight room. Usually, players don't lift while they are in season, but we've been doing it for some time and wanted to make sure we were able to maintain our strength that we had developed during the off season. After weights, we usually get up about 300 shots, then I'll go home, shower again and get ready for more class. I have back to back classes at 2 and 3 o'clock and as soon as I get out of those I head to the gym where basketball practice is usually already in session. We stay in practice till about 5:30pm and after that I go home, shower, rest and prepare to do it all again the next day.
How important is nutrition to you and when and what do you eat?
Nutrition is VERY important to me. The older I've gotten and with the more experience that I've come across, I've realized that the only difference between people who are good at what they do and people who are GREAT at what they do is beforehand preparation. And that can be applied to all walks of life but especially goes for sports. Basically, the only real difference between anybody and LeBron James or Kobe Bryant is the fact that LeBron and Kobe have put in so much work and have exercised such great discipline to ensure the spot that they have today. Long story short, diet and nutrition is definitely a huge part of preparation.
Usually when I wake up, I eat about two bowls of Frosted Flakes or Honey Nut Cheerios cereal before I go running. When i get back, I usually eat a variation of eggs, waffles and some sort of meat. In the afternoons, I eat a lot of pasta's and rice meals. For the evenings, I usually eat grilled chicken breasts with rice and broccoli or some sort of vegetable on the side. And at nights, if I ever get hungry, I'll eat a peanut butter sandwich with a nice glass of milk.
Talk about your goals as an athlete…
My goals as an athlete are simple, I just want to be the best.
Well put, lol. Any advice for younger generations trying to get where you are?
Yes, and the advice I have is simple too. You CAN do it. Just work hard and be discipline. Obviously doing this won't be easy because if it were, everyone would be successful. But if you work hard and stay discipline, no matter where you come from, you can make it anywhere. Tell yourself and BELIEVE that the only difference between you and LeBron James or whoever you idolize is just a little more practice. With hard work and discipline, the sky is the limit. Don't stop "until your idols become your rivals." (Some quote i stole from Drake or Big Sean or somebody). Lol.
Fitness is not a life choice, it's a life style! When striving for your fitness goals always remember the the more you put in the bigger the pay off in the end.
For more information on Lane Colleges' Basketball schedule, season, players & stats please visit the link below:
If you would like to be featured in next months "Fitness As A Lifestyle" Spotlight please email our Editor in Chief at and tell us why.
*Live Well*
Monday, October 25, 2010
This month "Fitness As A Lifestyle" spot lights competitive fitness athlete Chastity Loper!
Chastity Loper not only works hard to balance a healthy diet and fitness level; She also is a working role model for the kids she coaches in competitive cheer leading and also the patients she sees day in and day out in the sports medicine orthopedic industry as an RN. Chastity feels it is important to be a good example of how nutrition and proper exercise maximizes the healing process of injuries and helps you maintain maximum performance at a competitive level.
Chastity, at what point did you decide that fitness competitions was something you might want to compete in?
"I decided to start fitness competitions in 2009, however my first competition was in June 2010 at the Fitness Universe Competition in Miami."
As our readers can imagine, the training required in this type of sport must be pretty serious,give "Fitness As A Lifestyle" an idea of the process.
"Training begins by maturing your muscle in the "off season" and by lifting heavier with less reps to increase muscle mass.
Now chastity, with this type of training program would it affect your overall diet as well?
"Your diet during the off season is still 5-6 meals a day with one cheat meal per day (usually steak and steak fries). The key is to still put on lean muscle mass so that when you diet down it will not be so hard to take off excess fat.
Now, you say "dieting down", for our readers that aren't featured on fitness magazines and calenders what exactly would that process entail?
"Three months out from competition (some people start at 4 months out), you start dieting down. A typical diet consists of the following: 1/2 cup of oatmeal and protein shake for breakfast, mid morning is 4 oz of fish (tilapia, salmon, or tuna) and 1/2 cup of green beans, lunch 4 oz of fish 1/2 cup of greens and 1 potato (white or sweet) no condiments, mid afternoon protein shake and 1 handful of unsalted almonds, dinner 4 oz of fish or chicken, 7 asparagus sticks, and bedtime 6 egg whites. The diet is by far the hardest part of the process. I have a coach who evaluates my measurements and looks at my body every two weeks and adjust my diet and workouts accordingly.
Wow,That definitely sounds pretty strict,but based on what I've seen in the sport, I definitely can see the results of that type of dedication. Being that there is such emphasise on the diet, how much is taken into account with the workouts?
"Workouts start increasing to interval training and super sets, (where you decrease wt and increase reps with very little rest in between exercises) to increase calorie deficit. Also, you are doing at least an hour of cardio (running/plyometrics) a day. Not to mention, with fitness, you have a 2.5 minute routine where you have to choreograph strength moves, athleticism, and conditioning to show off your skill sets. Also, you have a symmetry round where you are judged on your overall symmetry and physical condition."
Chastity, what would you say is the biggest misconception about your sport when compared to other fitness sports such as body building?
"Many people have a misconception about the sport of fitness and figure competitions. Fitness is about the routine described above and you are actually penalized for too much muscle development (you want to look fit but not overly muscular). Figure competitions, which is what I am focusing on next season, is just a bathing suit round where the judges are looking for muscular development with out alot of muscle mass (the general population thinks this is body building but it is very different...body building IS the focus of muscle mass). Most people look at pictures of these competitors and think "I don't want to look that muscular or look like a man!", however, Figure competitors (someone of my stature) will step on stage at 5'3 and around 110 lbs or smaller. Your muscles just seem more pronounced due to the lack of subcutaneous fat and water around the muscle.
Now,being that the world of fitness is an solidified sport that gains more and more interest from fitness enthusiasts from all walks of life what would you tell any readers out there that would maybe want advice on competing in the sport, what type of insight could you give them?
"If anyone is interested in participating in the sport, the best advice I can give you is to watch as many shows as possible. Hire a trainer that has experience training females in the sport and check out some of the people they have trained and see if they are reputable. (I train with Trae Kidd and Robin Kasten- both are great!!!) Lastly, set a goal and stick to it! Whether your plan is just to compete or to win- Go do it! It is the biggest accomplishment to step on stage and know that you actually made it! Being part of this sport is an amazing feat!"
Great! well I'm honored you were able to give "Fitness As A Lifestyle" a glimpse into the world of a Fitness Competitor, you're an amazing athlete and will go far in this sport, I'm sure of it. Is there any additional information you would like to give the readers in regards future shows,competitions etc?
"I just competed in my first Figure competition in Oct in Knoxville where I placed 2nd in my class! With the help of Trae Kidd, I plan to attend the Ronnie Coleman Classic in April of next year and hopefully qualify to attend Jr. Nationals in May where I have a chance to get my PRO CARD!!! I have alot of work ahead of me and I continue to learn more and more about the sport everyday. I am very excited to see my body transform into the best shape of my life. Wish me luck!"
Well again we thank you for allowing "Fitness As A Lifestyle" to pick your brain about your passion with in the fitness world, may you have continued success in all you do, and continue to spread the gospel of fitness, you're an inspiration to many and are truly a role model.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Saturday, August 28, 2010
A Better Brain = A Better Body
What is the correlation between nutrition and brain health?
"...the food that you eat drives the cells that make you think; simply put, to better your body you must better your brain..."
My personal list of the top supplements that improve brain health_
Multivitamins bridge any gaps of micro nutrient deficiencies that may exist in your diet. Deficiencies of any vitamin or mineral has a long list of associated issues that go with it. A good multivitamin is the foundation of health and nutrition. Take a look at the reviews of many of the popular brands for factors such as ingredients, areas of improvement, quality level, and overall value. If you are looking for a high quality liquid multivitamin, I suggest a visit to your local GNC or Vitamin shop today!
*Omega-3 fatty acids*
Omega 3 fatty acids are poly-unsaturated fatty acids. Studies show that a diet rich in omega 3 fatty acids may help lower triglycerides and increase HDL cholesterol (the good cholesterol). Omega 3 fatty acids may also act as an anticoagulant to prevent blood from clotting. Several other studies also suggest that these fatty acids may help lower high blood pressure. * All fish contain omega 3 fatty acids, but they are more concentrated in fatty fish such as mackerel, salmon, sardines and herring. The American Heart Association recommends eating fish at least 2 times a week.
* Many commercial food products, such as bread and baked goods, yogurt and infant formula are now fortified with omega 3 fatty acids.
* Other food sources of omega 3s include:
o Soybeans and tofu
o Some nuts and seeds like walnuts, flax seeds, and pumpkin seeds
o Cooking oils such as flax seed oil, canola oil, and soybean oil
o Some eggs, such as omega-3 enhanced eggs
*Vitamin D*
There is a vast body of science showing the many health benefits of vitamin D. You may be surprised to learn the important role that vitamin D plays in your health.Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that the body can make from a precursor in the skin. With the help of cholesterol, the body uses sunlight to convert this Vitamin D precursor into active Vitamin D. Because of the unique way that Vitamin D can be synthesized, people who spend adequate time in the sun do not need to obtain this nutrient from foods.
There are two forms of Vitamin D, one made by plants (ergocalciferol or Vitamin D2) and one made by animals (cholecalciferol or Vitamin D3). Both forms of Vitamin D can be synthesized from sunlight.
Though it is considered a vitamin, Vitamin D actually acts much like a hormone by attaching to DNA receptors to promote cell differentiation. Vitamin D is most active in the intestine, kidneys, and bones.
One of the most important roles of Vitamin D in the human body is to boost the absorption of calcium into bone. In addition to being vital to bone development and strength, Vitamin D is also an important partner in many other processes that require calcium.
Vitamin D also helps to keep teeth and gums healthy, especially in older adults. Studies show that inflammatory gum disease occurs much less frequently in people older than 50 who have adequate Vitamin D intake.
Two signs that Vitamin D may not be present in the body in adequate amounts are poor bone development in children (a condition known as rickets) and softening of the bone (osteomalacia) in adults. Bone pain and fractures may also indicate a need for more Vitamin D. In addition, since Vitamin D is involved in cell growth and differentiation, it may play a role in preventing certain cancers.
Recommended daily amounts of Vitamin D are 5 micrograms (200 I.U.) for children, 5-10 micrograms (200-400 I.U.) for adults up to age 70, and 15 (600 I.U.) micrograms for adults 70 and older. In most cases, Vitamin D requirements can be met with adequate sun exposure.
However, some people, such as those who are home bound or live in cool climates where skin is usually covered or those who wear sunscreen all of the time may need to obtain Vitamin D from foods.
Foods that are naturally good sources of Vitamin D include cod, snapper, shrimp, halibut, and eggs. Because it is so important to skeletal development, milk and other foods are often fortified with Vitamin D.
Vitamin D is also available in supplements, usually as part of a calcium or multivitamin formula. Vitamin D should not be taken in supplemental doses of more than 100 micrograms (2000 I.U.).
Too much Vitamin D can raise levels of blood calcium above normal limits and put one at risk for developing kidney stones. Excess calcium can also cause blood vessels to constrict, possibly resulting in high blood pressure. In addition, Vitamin D toxicity may cause headaches, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, irritability, or loss of appetite.
Certain health conditions may affect a person’s ability to absorb and utilize Vitamin D. Since it is a fat-soluble nutrient, people on low fat diets and those who are unable to absorb fat due to digestive disorders may not absorb adequate amounts of Vitamin D.
Also, parathyroid, kidney, or liver disease may compromise the conversion of Vitamin D precursors into the active form of Vitamin D. Also, since fewer Vitamin D precursors are produced in the skin as people age, older people may be at greater risk for Vitamin D deficiency.
Certain medications, such as anticonvulsants, bile acid sequestrants, stomach medications, hormones, corticosteroids, and anticoagulants, can interfere with the body’s ability to absorb Vitamin D, while Vitamin D can interfere with calcium channel-blockers. While Vitamin D encourages the release of calcium into the blood, calcium channel blockers discourage this release.
*Ginko Bulba*
The ginkgo biloba benefits are well known all over the world. First of all, this herb is recognized for its memory improvement effects. Studies for this matter have been performed even from 30 years ago. The number of such studies has exceeded 300, but the scientists continue to search for any other possible benefits.
Memory loss can be determined by a bad circulation of the blood to the brain. Ginkgo biloba improves the blood flow to the brains and also enhances the overall circulation. Some of the substances contained by ginkgo biloba dilate the blood vessels and help the blood to circulate easier. This herb also alters the platelets, which have a vital role in the coagulation of the blood. Therefore, people who follow a treatment based on ginkgo biloba are recommended not to take anti-coagulants such as aspirin.
If a hemorrhage occurs, the coagulation will take more time, in this situation. On the other hand, the ginkgo biloba extract prevents the appearance of blood clots in the vessels. Stroke, which is also one of the causes of memory loss, can be avoided by using supplements based on ginkgo biloba.
The herb contains more then 40 active substances. However, out of all these, most of the ginkgo biloba benefits are due to flavonoids and terpenoids. These substances are some of the best known antioxidants. Their role is to improve the memory, but they are also used as remedies for vertigo. Flavonoids and terpenoids also have an important role in the metabolism. They increase the efficiency of the immune system by neutralizing the effect of the free radicals.
Controlling the conversion of cholesterol to plaque is also one of the most important ginkgo biloba benefits. Cholesterol can harden the circulation of the blood by depositing on the arteries. If hypercholesterolemia is not treated, the risk of stroke increases. The extract of ginkgo biloba enlarges the blood vessels but also helps them to relax.
Memory enhancement is only one of the ginkgo biloba benefits related to the mental processes. The reaction time, as well as the mental clarity, can be improved by using supplements based on ginkgo biloba. Approximately 20 percent of the oxygen consumed by the body goes to the brain. The ginkgo biloba extract prevents this amount from becoming lower.
Furthermore, the ginkgo biloba benefits also include improvement of the ear and eye conditions. As many studies have revealed, ginkgo biloba can be successfully used for treating eye problems when these are determined by diabetes or age-related macular degeneration.
Discover the memory supplement we personally use with excellent health results -
After years of research in to memory supplements, we have found that New Zealand contains some of the most natural and purest ingredients in the world, especially when it comes to manufacturing memory supplements.
Jean Helmet is one of the editors at a collection of nutritional web sites, you can learn more about memory, focus, and concentration at this great website I refer to very often -
"...the food that you eat drives the cells that make you think; simply put, to better your body you must better your brain..."
My personal list of the top supplements that improve brain health_
Multivitamins bridge any gaps of micro nutrient deficiencies that may exist in your diet. Deficiencies of any vitamin or mineral has a long list of associated issues that go with it. A good multivitamin is the foundation of health and nutrition. Take a look at the reviews of many of the popular brands for factors such as ingredients, areas of improvement, quality level, and overall value. If you are looking for a high quality liquid multivitamin, I suggest a visit to your local GNC or Vitamin shop today!
*Omega-3 fatty acids*
Omega 3 fatty acids are poly-unsaturated fatty acids. Studies show that a diet rich in omega 3 fatty acids may help lower triglycerides and increase HDL cholesterol (the good cholesterol). Omega 3 fatty acids may also act as an anticoagulant to prevent blood from clotting. Several other studies also suggest that these fatty acids may help lower high blood pressure. * All fish contain omega 3 fatty acids, but they are more concentrated in fatty fish such as mackerel, salmon, sardines and herring. The American Heart Association recommends eating fish at least 2 times a week.
* Many commercial food products, such as bread and baked goods, yogurt and infant formula are now fortified with omega 3 fatty acids.
* Other food sources of omega 3s include:
o Soybeans and tofu
o Some nuts and seeds like walnuts, flax seeds, and pumpkin seeds
o Cooking oils such as flax seed oil, canola oil, and soybean oil
o Some eggs, such as omega-3 enhanced eggs
*Vitamin D*
There is a vast body of science showing the many health benefits of vitamin D. You may be surprised to learn the important role that vitamin D plays in your health.Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that the body can make from a precursor in the skin. With the help of cholesterol, the body uses sunlight to convert this Vitamin D precursor into active Vitamin D. Because of the unique way that Vitamin D can be synthesized, people who spend adequate time in the sun do not need to obtain this nutrient from foods.
There are two forms of Vitamin D, one made by plants (ergocalciferol or Vitamin D2) and one made by animals (cholecalciferol or Vitamin D3). Both forms of Vitamin D can be synthesized from sunlight.
Though it is considered a vitamin, Vitamin D actually acts much like a hormone by attaching to DNA receptors to promote cell differentiation. Vitamin D is most active in the intestine, kidneys, and bones.
One of the most important roles of Vitamin D in the human body is to boost the absorption of calcium into bone. In addition to being vital to bone development and strength, Vitamin D is also an important partner in many other processes that require calcium.
Vitamin D also helps to keep teeth and gums healthy, especially in older adults. Studies show that inflammatory gum disease occurs much less frequently in people older than 50 who have adequate Vitamin D intake.
Two signs that Vitamin D may not be present in the body in adequate amounts are poor bone development in children (a condition known as rickets) and softening of the bone (osteomalacia) in adults. Bone pain and fractures may also indicate a need for more Vitamin D. In addition, since Vitamin D is involved in cell growth and differentiation, it may play a role in preventing certain cancers.
Recommended daily amounts of Vitamin D are 5 micrograms (200 I.U.) for children, 5-10 micrograms (200-400 I.U.) for adults up to age 70, and 15 (600 I.U.) micrograms for adults 70 and older. In most cases, Vitamin D requirements can be met with adequate sun exposure.
However, some people, such as those who are home bound or live in cool climates where skin is usually covered or those who wear sunscreen all of the time may need to obtain Vitamin D from foods.
Foods that are naturally good sources of Vitamin D include cod, snapper, shrimp, halibut, and eggs. Because it is so important to skeletal development, milk and other foods are often fortified with Vitamin D.
Vitamin D is also available in supplements, usually as part of a calcium or multivitamin formula. Vitamin D should not be taken in supplemental doses of more than 100 micrograms (2000 I.U.).
Too much Vitamin D can raise levels of blood calcium above normal limits and put one at risk for developing kidney stones. Excess calcium can also cause blood vessels to constrict, possibly resulting in high blood pressure. In addition, Vitamin D toxicity may cause headaches, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, irritability, or loss of appetite.
Certain health conditions may affect a person’s ability to absorb and utilize Vitamin D. Since it is a fat-soluble nutrient, people on low fat diets and those who are unable to absorb fat due to digestive disorders may not absorb adequate amounts of Vitamin D.
Also, parathyroid, kidney, or liver disease may compromise the conversion of Vitamin D precursors into the active form of Vitamin D. Also, since fewer Vitamin D precursors are produced in the skin as people age, older people may be at greater risk for Vitamin D deficiency.
Certain medications, such as anticonvulsants, bile acid sequestrants, stomach medications, hormones, corticosteroids, and anticoagulants, can interfere with the body’s ability to absorb Vitamin D, while Vitamin D can interfere with calcium channel-blockers. While Vitamin D encourages the release of calcium into the blood, calcium channel blockers discourage this release.
*Ginko Bulba*
The ginkgo biloba benefits are well known all over the world. First of all, this herb is recognized for its memory improvement effects. Studies for this matter have been performed even from 30 years ago. The number of such studies has exceeded 300, but the scientists continue to search for any other possible benefits.
Memory loss can be determined by a bad circulation of the blood to the brain. Ginkgo biloba improves the blood flow to the brains and also enhances the overall circulation. Some of the substances contained by ginkgo biloba dilate the blood vessels and help the blood to circulate easier. This herb also alters the platelets, which have a vital role in the coagulation of the blood. Therefore, people who follow a treatment based on ginkgo biloba are recommended not to take anti-coagulants such as aspirin.
If a hemorrhage occurs, the coagulation will take more time, in this situation. On the other hand, the ginkgo biloba extract prevents the appearance of blood clots in the vessels. Stroke, which is also one of the causes of memory loss, can be avoided by using supplements based on ginkgo biloba.
The herb contains more then 40 active substances. However, out of all these, most of the ginkgo biloba benefits are due to flavonoids and terpenoids. These substances are some of the best known antioxidants. Their role is to improve the memory, but they are also used as remedies for vertigo. Flavonoids and terpenoids also have an important role in the metabolism. They increase the efficiency of the immune system by neutralizing the effect of the free radicals.
Controlling the conversion of cholesterol to plaque is also one of the most important ginkgo biloba benefits. Cholesterol can harden the circulation of the blood by depositing on the arteries. If hypercholesterolemia is not treated, the risk of stroke increases. The extract of ginkgo biloba enlarges the blood vessels but also helps them to relax.
Memory enhancement is only one of the ginkgo biloba benefits related to the mental processes. The reaction time, as well as the mental clarity, can be improved by using supplements based on ginkgo biloba. Approximately 20 percent of the oxygen consumed by the body goes to the brain. The ginkgo biloba extract prevents this amount from becoming lower.
Furthermore, the ginkgo biloba benefits also include improvement of the ear and eye conditions. As many studies have revealed, ginkgo biloba can be successfully used for treating eye problems when these are determined by diabetes or age-related macular degeneration.
Discover the memory supplement we personally use with excellent health results -
After years of research in to memory supplements, we have found that New Zealand contains some of the most natural and purest ingredients in the world, especially when it comes to manufacturing memory supplements.
Jean Helmet is one of the editors at a collection of nutritional web sites, you can learn more about memory, focus, and concentration at this great website I refer to very often -
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
"LADIES, looking to tone and FIGHT CELLULITE ?!"
Ladies, lately you've giving me alot of feedback on my various workouts, diets, advice and insight, but, more importantly have posed the same question for me time and time again, so here ladies is your answer; enjoy.
"Exercise and fighting cellulite"
While there is no single magical cure for cellulite, there are many things "YOU" can do to help reduce it and even make it disappear without EVER visiting a plastic surgeon. While creams and other specialty products may help REDUCE the appearance of cellulite momentarily, the BEST way to get rid of it is by working out and changing your diet accordingly.
"To exercise is like dieting - we all know that we need to exercise in order to get our bodies working optimally, yet we all seem to have great excuses for not doing so."
...But when fighting cellulite on all fronts, exercise should be considered as part of a holistic way to treat the problem.
* *When you want to rid your body of cellulite, you need to have some form of physical exercise, but this does not mean that you need to join a gym and have a daily for hours, if going to a gym is a form of relaxation to you, it is great, but if you, like many other people don't LOVE gyms $ clubs, then an alternative form of exercising must be looked at**
*Ladies, these are a few simple exercises that are PROVEN to work all those problem areas *
If you decide to start exercising remember to start off by first warming up.
Exercise 1 to combat cellulite:
~A good warm-up exercise to do is to stand with your feet apart and hands on your hips and to rotate the top part of your body from the waist up, in a circle. This should be done 4 times in one direction, and then 4 times in the opposite direction.
Exercise 2 to combat cellulite:
~Once again, stand with your feet apart and your hands together and raised to the maximum above your head. Slowly, without forcing your body, bend down and let your fingers touch your toes. Keeping your head and arms in this down position, bounce downwards from the waist and loosen the muscles.
This bouncing movement can be repeated a couple of times - then raise your hands above your head and repeat the exercise 5 times.
Exercise 3 to combat cellulite:
~Sit flat on the floor with your hands slightly behind your buns, with your legs pulled towards your torso, your knees bent and feet together. Move your knees towards the floor on the left side of your body, and then towards the right.
Touch the floor 30 times on each side.
Exercise 4 to combat cellulite:
~Lie flat on the floor on your right side, with your arms supporting your torso and slightly raising it from the floor. Now bring your left leg straight up and lower it slowly again.
Repeat this exercise 15 times and repeat the other side.
Exercise 5 to combat cellulite:
~Stand on your hands and knees. Lift your left leg and straighten it out towards the back and in a fluid movement while bending your knee again, swing it in towards your chest and then out straight to the back again.
Repeat this movement 15 times. Change legs and exercise the right leg.
Exercise 6 to combat cellulite:
~Lie flat on your back with your arms stretched out aside you at shoulder height. Move your feet towards your buns while bending your knees. Now lower your knees to the one side, and then move upwards and down to the other side.
Do these movements slowly and repeat 20 times.
Exercise 7 to combat cellulite:
~Lie flat on your stomach with your hands supporting your chin. Raise your left leg as high as you can get it and keep it raised for a count of 5 and lower it SLOWLY. Change and repeat the movement with the other leg.
Repeat the exercise so that each leg is exercised 20 times.
Exercise 8 to combat cellulite:
~Lie flat on your back with your knees slightly bent and the legs drawn up. Cross your arms over your torso and start doing sit-up exercises. Do NOT overstrain - rather do many repetitions of this exercise but DO NOT hurt the muscles - you feel them working and not hurting.
Exercise 9 to combat cellulite:
~Lie flat on your back with your arms spread out at shoulder height and your feet together. Lift both legs together as high as possible.
If your stomach and back muscles have not been worked you will not be able to lift them much, but try to lift a little. When you have achieved the height you can lift, keep the position for the count of 5 and SLOWLY lower your legs - do not let them fall towards the floor.
Repeat 5 times, but the repetitions can be increased as you feel the muscles strengthening.
...Quick Tip
Although exercising is good, it needs to be done regularly - bouts of exercising now and again may do more harm than good - so rather start slowly but keep it up regularly - even if you start with 10 minutes each day - "stay with it until you achieve your desired results."
"...W o r d s to the W i s e..."
If you really have been a couch potato for some time, it may be better to first start off by doing brisk walking for 20 - 30 minutes every day. The accent is on "brisk" - there is no benefit if you walk at a leisurely pace - you need to walk fast enough to get your heart rate up and the oxygen exchange going in your lungs.
Should you feel stiff the next day after your first walk, have a long hot bath - this will help to move the build-up of lactic acid in your muscles - and a firm massage on the affected muscles will also help to loosen them up. But remember - go out walking again today - otherwise you will receive no benefit from it.
Remember - you are trying to achieve a cellulite-free body - and although it may take time, perseverance WILL* pay off.
"Exercise and fighting cellulite"
While there is no single magical cure for cellulite, there are many things "YOU" can do to help reduce it and even make it disappear without EVER visiting a plastic surgeon. While creams and other specialty products may help REDUCE the appearance of cellulite momentarily, the BEST way to get rid of it is by working out and changing your diet accordingly.
"To exercise is like dieting - we all know that we need to exercise in order to get our bodies working optimally, yet we all seem to have great excuses for not doing so."
...But when fighting cellulite on all fronts, exercise should be considered as part of a holistic way to treat the problem.
* *When you want to rid your body of cellulite, you need to have some form of physical exercise, but this does not mean that you need to join a gym and have a daily for hours, if going to a gym is a form of relaxation to you, it is great, but if you, like many other people don't LOVE gyms $ clubs, then an alternative form of exercising must be looked at**
*Ladies, these are a few simple exercises that are PROVEN to work all those problem areas *
If you decide to start exercising remember to start off by first warming up.
Exercise 1 to combat cellulite:
~A good warm-up exercise to do is to stand with your feet apart and hands on your hips and to rotate the top part of your body from the waist up, in a circle. This should be done 4 times in one direction, and then 4 times in the opposite direction.
Exercise 2 to combat cellulite:
~Once again, stand with your feet apart and your hands together and raised to the maximum above your head. Slowly, without forcing your body, bend down and let your fingers touch your toes. Keeping your head and arms in this down position, bounce downwards from the waist and loosen the muscles.
This bouncing movement can be repeated a couple of times - then raise your hands above your head and repeat the exercise 5 times.
Exercise 3 to combat cellulite:
~Sit flat on the floor with your hands slightly behind your buns, with your legs pulled towards your torso, your knees bent and feet together. Move your knees towards the floor on the left side of your body, and then towards the right.
Touch the floor 30 times on each side.
Exercise 4 to combat cellulite:
~Lie flat on the floor on your right side, with your arms supporting your torso and slightly raising it from the floor. Now bring your left leg straight up and lower it slowly again.
Repeat this exercise 15 times and repeat the other side.
Exercise 5 to combat cellulite:
~Stand on your hands and knees. Lift your left leg and straighten it out towards the back and in a fluid movement while bending your knee again, swing it in towards your chest and then out straight to the back again.
Repeat this movement 15 times. Change legs and exercise the right leg.
Exercise 6 to combat cellulite:
~Lie flat on your back with your arms stretched out aside you at shoulder height. Move your feet towards your buns while bending your knees. Now lower your knees to the one side, and then move upwards and down to the other side.
Do these movements slowly and repeat 20 times.
Exercise 7 to combat cellulite:
~Lie flat on your stomach with your hands supporting your chin. Raise your left leg as high as you can get it and keep it raised for a count of 5 and lower it SLOWLY. Change and repeat the movement with the other leg.
Repeat the exercise so that each leg is exercised 20 times.
Exercise 8 to combat cellulite:
~Lie flat on your back with your knees slightly bent and the legs drawn up. Cross your arms over your torso and start doing sit-up exercises. Do NOT overstrain - rather do many repetitions of this exercise but DO NOT hurt the muscles - you feel them working and not hurting.
Exercise 9 to combat cellulite:
~Lie flat on your back with your arms spread out at shoulder height and your feet together. Lift both legs together as high as possible.
If your stomach and back muscles have not been worked you will not be able to lift them much, but try to lift a little. When you have achieved the height you can lift, keep the position for the count of 5 and SLOWLY lower your legs - do not let them fall towards the floor.
Repeat 5 times, but the repetitions can be increased as you feel the muscles strengthening.
...Quick Tip
Although exercising is good, it needs to be done regularly - bouts of exercising now and again may do more harm than good - so rather start slowly but keep it up regularly - even if you start with 10 minutes each day - "stay with it until you achieve your desired results."
"...W o r d s to the W i s e..."
If you really have been a couch potato for some time, it may be better to first start off by doing brisk walking for 20 - 30 minutes every day. The accent is on "brisk" - there is no benefit if you walk at a leisurely pace - you need to walk fast enough to get your heart rate up and the oxygen exchange going in your lungs.
Should you feel stiff the next day after your first walk, have a long hot bath - this will help to move the build-up of lactic acid in your muscles - and a firm massage on the affected muscles will also help to loosen them up. But remember - go out walking again today - otherwise you will receive no benefit from it.
Remember - you are trying to achieve a cellulite-free body - and although it may take time, perseverance WILL* pay off.
Friday, July 9, 2010
"Fitness thought of the day"
~ Those who do not find time for exercise will have to find time for illness. ~
Fitness should be a key component in anybody's life simply for the fact that it makes you feel better. It is recommended that you get 30 minutes a day by most experts standards. But in my opinion you should do at least 40- 60 minutes of exercise a day.
The Benefits Of Being Fit
More Confidence
One of the first benefits that come to mind is confidence or raised self esteem. After all when you feel good you look good and that definitely shows in a person if they take care of themselves.
More Energy
Let's face it people that exercise have or seem to have more energy than people that don't. Let me give you an example. If you where to do cardio in the morning before you went to work do you think your day would run smoother and you would be more upbeat for the day? You beat you would. Working out might seem like a chore at first. You might even feel like you have no energy to workout. However remember this, working out on a regular bases give you more energy in the long run.
More Organized
I am drawing from personal experience here but whenever I am on a structured program or workout regime, I become more organized in other areas of my life. Area's such as work, friends, family and leisure time. So try making fitness a part of your life. You never know what you might be able to accomplish.
Goal Setting & Achievement
Doing any kind of fitness program will help you with goal setting. Not only that it will help you in reaching those goals. Make sure when you set your goals they are always realistic and achievable. If your goals are really easy to reach your sub conscious mind won't mind helping you reach your goals. But if your goals are set too high, then you might look at it as a negative if you don't reach your goal, even though your still achieving. So set small, realistic, and achievable goals and you will get to your long term goal in no time.
Weight Management & Reduction
Of course with fitness brings weight loss and fat reduction but only if you have a balanced healthy diet. Weight loss however should not be the only reason why you embark on a fitness goal. Make it part of your lifestyle, so that it is something you do whether you are happy, sad, or tired.
These are just five reasons why fitness is important but the biggest thing you should take away from this article, is to make fitness a priority, make it part of your daily life and you will have a better life because of it.
Fitness should be a key component in anybody's life simply for the fact that it makes you feel better. It is recommended that you get 30 minutes a day by most experts standards. But in my opinion you should do at least 40- 60 minutes of exercise a day.
The Benefits Of Being Fit
More Confidence
One of the first benefits that come to mind is confidence or raised self esteem. After all when you feel good you look good and that definitely shows in a person if they take care of themselves.
More Energy
Let's face it people that exercise have or seem to have more energy than people that don't. Let me give you an example. If you where to do cardio in the morning before you went to work do you think your day would run smoother and you would be more upbeat for the day? You beat you would. Working out might seem like a chore at first. You might even feel like you have no energy to workout. However remember this, working out on a regular bases give you more energy in the long run.
More Organized
I am drawing from personal experience here but whenever I am on a structured program or workout regime, I become more organized in other areas of my life. Area's such as work, friends, family and leisure time. So try making fitness a part of your life. You never know what you might be able to accomplish.
Goal Setting & Achievement
Doing any kind of fitness program will help you with goal setting. Not only that it will help you in reaching those goals. Make sure when you set your goals they are always realistic and achievable. If your goals are really easy to reach your sub conscious mind won't mind helping you reach your goals. But if your goals are set too high, then you might look at it as a negative if you don't reach your goal, even though your still achieving. So set small, realistic, and achievable goals and you will get to your long term goal in no time.
Weight Management & Reduction
Of course with fitness brings weight loss and fat reduction but only if you have a balanced healthy diet. Weight loss however should not be the only reason why you embark on a fitness goal. Make it part of your lifestyle, so that it is something you do whether you are happy, sad, or tired.
These are just five reasons why fitness is important but the biggest thing you should take away from this article, is to make fitness a priority, make it part of your daily life and you will have a better life because of it.
Can I ask you a couple honest questions?
Who in the last 10 years has influenced you the most with regards to how to train? Where have you and where has everyone else learned how to build muscle?
Would you agree that bodybuilding magazines and websites have contributed to the bulk of the training information and misinformation today? I don't want to be completely critical but I am sure you would agree that the majority of mainstream bodybuilding literature caters to the genetically gifted or drug user — that leaves the rest of us wandering...
Today with the jungle of conflicting and misleading messages I do not want you to make the same titanic mistakes and training errors that are costing thousands of young trainees their dreams to a ripped muscular physique by taking advice from unqualified 'experts', reading rehashed magazines, trading wades of cash for magical pills and powders and 'program hopping' with very little to show for it.
Unless you want to continue to be apart of the mooing herd that is being lead to the slaughter each day, you must learn to filter out the noise and nonsense you are bombarded with each day.
The reality is that there is plenty of free advice dished out in the gym will which can really roadblock your gains if taken as gospel. This can begin a downward spiral of making guys think they are 'hardgainers', training harder and not smarter, taking out a small loan for the next supplement breakthrough and even resort to the 'sauce'. None of this is true or necessary.
I wrote this article to touch on, in my opinion, the most popular and damaging screw-ups used when trying to gain size.
Screw Up #1:
Training Too Frequently & Too Long
Overtraining is a result of training too frequently and/or too long. Don't take a microscope to the definition — overtraining is as simple as that — overtraining. It is a result of one of the following:
o Training too frequently or in excess.
o Training too long.
o Inadequate recovery.
Mainstream bodybuilding literature and science has traditionally focused on the symptoms rather than on the prevention of them. You often read articles on 'overtraining' and 'planned overtraining'. This is unnecessary if you are in control of the training and recovery process, if you train for predetermined periods, and recover in pre-determined ways then you don't need to know anything about overtraining 'syndromes'!
Screw Up #2:
Not Eating Enough Calories
I know you have heard it before but I will say it again — if you are not eating enough calories, you will NEVER gain weight, no matter what you do. THERE IS NO WAY AROUND IT! Even if you have the perfect training routine, you will never grow unless you provide your body with the proper nutrients.
It's like saying you want to build a house but you don't have enough bricks, cement or wood. It will be impossible to build that house. It's like trying to buy a $100,000 house and you only have $50,000. It's going to be downright impossible.
Long story short — if you are not growing there could be two problems: 1.You have not applied energy balance (energy in versus energy out) properly. It is a lot trickier than simply multiplying your bodyweight by a factor of 18-22 as most authors suggest. This factor neglects your unique resting metabolic rate, your unique cost of daily activity, your unique cost of exercise activity and the thermal effect of food.
2. You combine the wrong food at the wrong times. Obviously eating 3000 calories of chips and Doritos is not as effective as eating 3000 calories of high quality carbs, fats and proteins etc. There are also a few critical windows in the day that you must time the majority of your nutrients to maximize muscle growth.
If you wish to ensure that your muscles have enough fuel to support your workouts, train intensely, recover from workout to workout and let's not forget grow NEW muscle, you have to keep track of what you are eating every day. There is no way around it. This is the number one reason why skinny guys never gain weight or why anybody for that matter will not make quality gains that they so desperately strive for.
Screw Up #3:
Not Sleeping Enough
So how does sleep relate to the phenomenon of building big muscles? The number one reason getting enough sleep is so important is because growth hormone levels rise 30-45 minutes after falling asleep and a higher quality of sleep releases testosterone.
If you are more than a recreational weight lifter whose trips to the gym include more motivation than to pick up the cute receptionist, I would suggest the optimal 8-9 hours. However, this is a very individualistic measure and as low as 6 hours can be adequate for some.
Also, it is rumored that every hour of sleep you get before midnight has the equivalent effect of 2 hours sleep. So if you go to bed at 10pm and wake up 6 am — you will feel as if you have just slept 10 hours (not the actual 8 hours). I have to admit personally that I have experienced higher quality sleep going to bed earlier.
Take advantage of power naps — they are not for wimps. Professional bodybuilders take them regularly in the course of a day so there is something to be said about this. 20 minute naps in the middle of the day are said to be the equivalent of a 2 hour sleep. Again, try it out and see for yourself. Naps are extremely beneficial if you did not sleep the night before.
Remember, your muscles grow when you rest — this is the time between weight training sessions. Sleep is the best opportunity to let your muscles rest.
Screw Up #4:
Not Training Above Your Threshold
The stress must be heavy enough to exceed the normal threshold of your muscles. Training with weights at your 60-80% 1 Rep Max (RM) will not stimulate NEW muscle growth.
In other words, if you simply want to have the ability to lift weights to failure using 60-80% of your one rep max than keep doing this because your muscles will accommodate this specific stress. Your muscles will not grow larger than they have to accommodate for that specific stress.
Don't get me wrong — your body will adapt muscularly, neurologically, and structurally to this specific stress — but it will stop and end here. Even if you are increasing reps and sets, the muscle will grow very minimally but there will be NO sufficient reason for your muscle to grow further because you are still within your natural threshold.
Screw Up #5:
Relying On Supplements To Gain Size
Supplements will NOT stimulate muscle growth - exercise does.
Assuming your training, nutrition, lifestyle, and sleep habits are operating on the optimal end of the spectrum, introducing supplements might make a 5-10% difference. You will be more successful taking your fitness to the next level by working on your training, nutrition and sleep first. It will also be easier on your wallet!
Powders are nothing more than crushed up food and loaded with artificial flavoring, preservatives, and lots of chemicals to preserve their shelf life. Shakes are certainly convenient and may assist you in reaching your goal calories but do not ever kid yourself that they will have the same anabolic effect as food.
Dumping chemicals, artificial colors, flavoring, sugars, sweeteners, and preservatives into your body basically turns it into a toxic waste dump! And did you know that this toxic waste loves to attach itself to your fat stores making it even harder to get rid of body fat. You can imagine how much harder it will be to build massive muscle in a toxic environment. What goes in must come out!
Put garbage in and garbage will come out in the form of decreased energy, slow recovery, poor appetite, poor sleep, and poor attitude — all elements critical for muscle building.
When was the last time an athlete won, or a medal was won, or a team won on pills, powders and shakes? Never! Don't get me wrong, there are many time-tested and powerful products that will enhance your recovery, hormonal levels and assist in muscle growth.
Screw Up #6:
Low Testosterone Levels
Unless you are pumping MASSIVE amounts of anabolic steroids in your veins to ARTIFICIALLY increase testosterone levels then stop reading. However if you are a drug-free trainee what you do need is every single secret that will provide the level of support necessary to optimize T-levels safely and naturally!
There are too many tips and tricks to discuss here but I would like to share a few of the most common tricks to keep your T levels elevated and not dropping to that of the guys in the 'arts and crafts' club!
Training too long, lacking true intensity, not targeting your legs, high stress levels, not enough monosaturated fats, and training at the wrong time of day amongst many other pitfalls can lead to T levels to drop so low that 'Captain Willy' will go on permanent vacation.
Screw Up #7:
Not Making Consistent Strength Gains
Let's be honest. When was the last time your strength really went up?
Has your strength averaged at least a 5% increase from week to week or even month to month?
If you are like most trainee's you got stuck at the same weights after the first few months of your first ever exposure to bodybuilding. If not — congratulations, I applaud you and you are doing something right.
I'm also confident to say that you make the majority of your muscular gains in the first few months that you began lifting. Is it safe to say that your muscular gains leveled off at about the same time your strength gains leveled off. Coincidence? Hardly!
Your muscular size is ALMOST (there are many other factors we do not have time to discuss here) a direct correlation to your muscle strength. Have you ever seen someone who can bench press, squat or deadlift a few hundred pounds with a small physique. Very, very rarely!
Screw Up #8:
Training Instinctively And Listening To Your Body
Do professional athletes and teams practice instinctively? Do competitive long distance athletes train without their stop watch? Of course not, so why would someone trying to build muscle approve an ineffective and unproven tool that can lead you astray?
Building muscle is based on improving the intensity of the workout progressively each session. So why complicate things by following this 'inner compass' that has never scientifically been verified to work?
Do you really think your body can decipher between the intensity of 9 reps with 225 lbs in 30 seconds and 13 reps with 185 reps in 45 seconds?
Aside from hearing your muscles yelling at you to stop when the going gets tough, can you really interpret which was more intense? Of course not!
Screw Up #9:
Focusing On Getting A Pump
The 'muscle pump' is described as when you put your muscles under an extended period of constant tension. As your muscles stretch and contract they become gorged with blood that makes them feel tighter and fuller.
Getting a muscle pump is not necessarily what causes the muscle to grow — doing 100 reps with a light rep will create a huge pump — but does this make a muscle grow? Of course not! Distance runners get a pump in their legs when they sprint uphill and do they get big muscles? Heck no!
Most bodybuilders swear by the 'pump' and preach that you are shuttling more nutrients into the muscle — but is that what is really happening?
Sure it feels great, like Arnold says in the unforgettable scene in Pumping Iron, but all that is occurring is a 'back-up' of blood. The blood is 'stuck' inside the muscle, which creates that worshiped tight and full look.
The blood that's backed up into the muscle has hit a dead end and has nowhere to go. If you had fresh new blood that would be great but unfortunately you just have old, stale blood getting ready for a snooze. That will NOT help you gain weight or build muscle mass!
The pump that is built up by the blood in your muscles will usually occur after you repeat set after set which results in a the famous "burning" sensation known as lactic acid. Lactic acid forms in the absence of oxygen. Lactic acid is a WASTE product and does NOTHING to build muscle weight.
Now if you are lifting extremely heavy weights and achieving a pump then this is a very good indication that you are making the muscle fibers work fully. I would only use the pump as an indicator to reveal how well you are 'targeting' the working muscle. Not as you guide to mark your success.
Screw Up #10:
Reading Bodybuilding Magazines
Do you think professional athletes and professional strength training coaches read bodybuilding magazines? If so, it is probably only for humor and to see what kind of garbage their athletes are being exposed to. Do you think high quality, world class athletes and coaches follow the advice found in these magazines?
If they don't, WHY THE HECK WOULD YOU! Even though these magazines may have inspired millions, they have done a better job at misleading millions as well.
It's unbelievable how many young guys think they need creatine and a whole list of other supplements; they need to 'split' up their workouts into 'body parts', and are trying to build muscle in an over trained and undernourished state...and then wonder, 'Why can't I gain weight?' They have no idea that these programs don't work without drugs. These are DRUG routines, and drug routines don't work for natural guys. Period.
The modern mainstream bodybuilding (and even mainstream male and female fitness magazines are guilty) magazines at the newsstands are really just 'muscle comic books' written at a 6th grade level. They glorify drug-using 'bodybuilders' and portray them as the picture of health.
The cleverly combine two or three rehashed articles, a lot of pictures, gimmicks, sex and hype to sell this nonsense to millions. And what does porn-like photo sections have to do with a muscle building magazine? The publishers of some of these magazines beat the hell out of this marketing tactic with partially nude women with their asses hanging out in thongs.
It would be nice if men could pick up a bodybuilding magazine to learn some quality information, not to end up getting an erection...
Even though supplement companies have always been apart of fitness publications (but it was not as blatant in the past) marketers are now the writers and the product is no longer a magazine but rather bottles of pills and protein powders, etc. I would say almost 70% of the articles in magazines have a marketing purpose and it's even hard to tell these days what is an ad and what is just a legitimate article.
Bottom line, there is too many rich supplement companies and too many frustrated weight lifters who are not gaining the size and strength they deserve.
Screw Up #11:
Not Keeping A Training Diary
Tracking your progress is mandatory. This is like professional sports teams competing without keeping score. Or like runners and swimmers working out without a stopwatch. How do you expect to get better? In my opinion, if you workout without a log book you might not be that serious and should reconsider the reasons you workout. Feel free to continue working out - just do not expect any exceptional gains.
Screw Up #12:
Ignoring The Weaknesses
You're only as strong as your weakest link, correct? Many claim to understand this principle yet these same individuals seem to ignore it in application.
If your biceps can curl 50 lbs but your forearms are constantly failing first, then what is the weaker link? Correct, your forearms. Will your forearms ever get stronger and will you ever make further gains on your biceps if you do not fix the root problem? No!
Surprise, surprise that this individual's quads are more developed than his hamstrings and calves and I would not doubt that his calves and hams are weaker relative to his quads causing an anterior pelvic tilt (quads are over reactive and hams are under reactive) resulting in the start of lower back pain...
There are two main reasons why trainees never make consistent muscular and strength gains on a program like this — this is a very generic example but I think you will get the point:
It prioritizes the same muscle sequence endlessly — assuming this is what the trainee does every time he performs this workout he will be emphasizing his quads every workout. Guess what happens to his hamstrings and calves? They begin to lag and become limiting factors of making consistent strength gains. How can we ever make the frame bigger if they are always trained last with a sub-max load?
It prioritizes one muscle group by volume — this simply means that the muscles receiving a greater percentage of training time and effort will receive the greatest benefit and improvements. Common sense right? It's amazing how many guys wonder why their arms, calves, and abs are non-existent.
Think about it. Where do you allocate the volume of your own workout? Don't be surprised if your weaknesses are receiving a lower percentage of volume relative to your stronger and bigger muscles.
Screw Up #13:
Not Stretching At Least Half The Amount Of Time That You Lift
Stretching is not relatively popular nor has it ever been. Most 'current' thinking leads trainees to believe that stretching is 'bad' and results in a fear of the unknown leaving many to avoid it all together. I think the 'fear' is more of an excuse for laziness and an uncertainty of what stretching can actually do. And interestingly, most of the anti-stretch advocates change their reasoning every few years and can not even touch their toes!
Many 'believers' in stretching have learned the side-effects of not stretching, not stretching enough and not stretching effectively. Before you read any more literature on the academic stretch debate I encourage you to decide on this one yourself.
It does not really matter what kind of stretching a person uses, providing that the desired range of motion is achieved and sustained to minimize injury and maximize performance.
Studies show that shortened muscles perform weaker, slower and have a higher incidence of injuries and big muscles require strong, lengthened and healthy tissue — so why would you neglect a component of your fitness that can skyrocket your strength through the roof, maintain healthy specific joint relationships, promote greater joint angles and accelerate recovery.
Screw Up #14:
Training Beyond Failure
Training to 'failure' has probably received more debate, misinterpretation, and improper logic resulting in too much wasted effort. Going to failure— going to the point in a set where you are physically incapable of going just one more rep, hence you 'fail' - is preached as the most promised rule to make continual muscle gains.
Interestingly, there is no activity outside the gym that demonstrates this 'going to failure' principle as critical as bodybuilders have employed.
Growing up as a long distance runner I often stood by and watched the sprinters compete and was astonished by their tremendous quadriceps and hamstring muscle. Yet I never remember watching any sprinter on my team train until failure nor do I recall them ever sprinting through the finish line and collapsing. Yet they did demonstrate a greater amount of muscular work in less time each time they practiced and raced.
Also, I will never forget the phenomenal muscularity of the construction workers I used to work with when I laid bricks and framed houses. Yet I never recall them carrying timber around the yard until they could not pick up one more 2 x 4. Nor do I remember the brick layers moving the bricks around until they could not move them anymore.
Both of these groups had incredible muscularity and were able to stimulate muscle growth without going to failure. So why do so many command that 'failure' is an absolute law for stimulating muscle growth when much evidence shows otherwise?
Improving your bodies sensitivity to the cold does not require you to go outside in the middle of winter with no clothes prior to passing out. Nor, if you want to improve your tan, is it necessary to subject your skin to the sun prior to the moment of blistering. Nor, if you want to improve your ability to hold your breath under water, do you need to go to the point prior to losing consciousness.
Since your bodies primary function in life is to survive it will adapt only to the point where your body has sufficient defense to whatever element it is exposed. Similarly, when lifting weights your body will adapt to the intensity you have exposed it to over time while maintaining your recovery resources.
As you can see, muscle growth stimulation operates on the same principle and does not require overkilling your muscles absolute limit.
Screw Up #15:
You Need To "Shock" Your Muscles And Keep Them "Guessing"
This has got to be one of the silliest and most misleading statements ever made (no hard feeling because in theory it can be convincing). Interestingly, the people who used to give me this advice must have been 'shocking' or 'tricking' their muscles the wrong way because they had no muscle mass on their bodies to back up that statement.
If you think about this myth long enough you might start to laugh. Do you think you can really change your exercises and training routine to 'surprise' your body and get a different reaction out of them?
Your muscles do not have outside eyes that reward you with new muscle growth if you 'confuse' them. Your muscles understand MOVEMENT and that's all — push, pull, curl, extend, contract or release — that's it.
You can be lifting bags of sand or deadlifting 400 pounds and the action on your back is the same — your knees bend and your trunk flexes. So where is the shock? Why would your back muscles say, "Holy Macaroni Batman, you're lifting with an Olympic bar and not sand bags anymore." Better pack on some muscle.
Or maybe you can switch up the order of your routine by hitting a weak body part twice in the week. If you only train your arms once in the week and then 'strategically' throw arms in twice one week then they will be 'confused' and 'shocked' into growing. Please! Your muscles operate on laws of science, not on laws of trickery.
Forget trying to shock, confuse, trick or 'keep the muscle guessing'. The only thing that will be shocked and confused is the person messing around with this theory with no clue why their body has not changed in a month since he started his magic show program.
Your muscles are not shocked by change in exercise. They are designed to tolerate it.
Screw Up #16:
Monday is Chest Day, Tuesday Is Leg Day, Wednesday Is Back Day...
Splitting up a routine is preached like 'gospel' and is rarely on trial or questioned as the way to structure a muscle building routine. If you are a hardgainer then think again!
And sure, splitting up a routine is fine and has some benefits BUT is also the fastest way to overtrain and burn out. Remember, you do not get stronger in the gym — you get stronger and bigger when you go home, rest, sleep, eat and FULLY recover.
To SUPERCOMPENSATE from your previous work out your muscles are not the only thing that must experience a full recovery. Do not neglect the fact that you are taxing and depleting your central nervous system, hormonal system, and immune system — systems that in fact take longer than your muscles to recover.
The Central Nervous System.
The human central nervous system consists of the brain and spinal cord. These lie in the midline of the body and are protected by the skull and vertebrae respectively.
This collection of billions of neurons is arguably the most complex object known.
The central nervous system along with the peripheral nervous system comprise a primary division of controls that command all physical activities of a human.
Neurons of the central nervous system affect consciousness and mental activity while spinal extensions of central nervous system neuron pathways affect skeletal muscles and organs in the body.
Just because your muscles say, "Okay we feel fine, let's train again," you must experience a FULL recovery prior to attempting to stimulate your muscles again for more muscle growth. Because there are so many variables involved in FULL recovery I lay out a easy recovery blueprint.
Screw Up #17:
Low Reps Equal Size And High Reps Equal Cutting
Your muscles do not have much personality — they are either growing, shrinking or staying the same.
If you want your muscle to grow then gradually force your muscles to do more work and outperform your last workouts performance.
If you are content with the size of your muscles right now than this is easy — just keep doing what you are doing. And to make the muscle smaller, this is even easier — simply avoid and do not train it.
You cannot pick certain exercises to get a muscle 'cut' or make a muscle 'huge' - this theory holds no water. Muscle 'cuts' are a reflection of two criteria on the body: pure muscle size and the low levels of body fat (in the single digits).
So if you want to build massive muscles get ready to apply the fundamental principle of progressive overload. And if you wish to get 'cut' and 'ripped' be prepared to drop your body fat levels into the single digits.
Next time you hear someone say, "I just lift light weights to get toned," then pat them on the back and point them in the direction of the cardio room as a better option. Light weights do not build muscle period. They will burn calories and that's all. You're better off maximizing your time by burning calories running or doing jumping jacks. And if you see someone with the goal to get bigger and they are a cardio junkie — grab their hand and lead them to the heavy weights.
Now you know that lowering your body fat is for 'cutting' and heavy weights are for building size.
Screw Up #18:
Alternating Between High Intensity Phases And Low Intensity Phases
The fact is that your muscles will only get bigger and stronger as a result of applying the most fundamental muscle building principle in the book — progressive overload. How will your muscles grow if you reduce the overload for a 'low intensity' phase? No new muscle can be built because there is no overload. When you are train 'light' you are wasting your time and your body's resources.
There is some merit and benefit to training with lower intensities such as active recovery and maintenance and even improving muscular endurance and fat loss. Muscle growth occurs while you rest after high intensity training phases, so if your going to rest - than rest.
Screw Up #19:
Not Lifting Truly Heavy Weights
Your muscles do not want to work any harder than they must. Think of your muscles as being lazy — like a permanent hibernation. They only want to wake up in an extreme emergency and if it will disrupt their sleep.
Your muscles WILL NOT work any harder than necessary and will recruit the least amount of muscle fibers responsible to get the job down. If this means the inactive muscle fibers make no effort or contribution to the lift — so be it. They would rather sleep anyways and not come out of hibernation!
From this we discover that we must do exercises that are extremely demanding (yet avoiding injury) and involve the totality of the muscle. So how do you recruit and use every single muscle fiber without your own MRI machine? You lift really HEAVY WEIGHTS! So heavy that every single muscle fiber must kick in by using all your muscle's capacity. Forget those wimpy isolation exercises that target only part of the muscle.
Screw Up #20:
Setting Outcome Goals Instead Of Performance Goals
What most people don't know is that effective goals focus on performance, not outcome. I will use the term performance to also parallel the word habit.
Performance or habits are what you control. Outcomes are often controlled by others. An outcome goal would be, "I want to gain 30 pounds on the scale," or "I'm going to put two inches on my arms," or "I'm going to bench press 400 pounds next month."
Don't get me wrong, it is okay to set these goals and I actually recommend writing down your outcome goals prior to beginning. However, setting ONLY outcome goals is a sure-fire way of failing.
You see, you do not ultimately have any control when setting outcome goals — how can you possibly control the outcome? Do you know anybody who can control the amount of muscle they build week by week, how much they lift and how to make a muscle grow by making it a goal?
But you can control the habits that are required to build muscle from week to week, increase size and improve your strength. You can set goals like:
o "I'm going to set my timer so that I am reminded to eat every 2.5 hours."
o "I'm going prepare all my food on Sunday evening."
o "I'm going to go the gym in the morning when there are fewer social distractions."
o "I will go to bed before 10:30 pm so that I can get enough sleep to improve my recovery."
o "I will not visit the book store where I will be tempted to look at bodybuilding magazines."
You see the difference?
Goals focus on a specific outcome. Outcome's are out of your control. But you CAN control habit and performance goals.
Bad habits can be starved and destroyed. New habits can be fed and grown. You have the choice and you have the ability to make the decisions that are required to building more and more muscle on a weekly basis. Watch the difference by simply adjusting your mindset on performance goals!
Ex-Skinny Guys
Discover How Ex-Skinny Guys Finally Gained Weight After They Tried Everything Else...
In defense to the mainstream, bodybuilding style approach to building muscle, it does work for some people. The reality is that you probably know some guys training with the traditional 5 or 6 day 'split' program and making some impressive gains. You see, not every guy has to bust his butt in the gym... some guys can grow just by using wimpy 'isolation' exercises; spending more time picking up the girls than picking up the weights and training less intense than you.
I have learned that these guys are the exception and not the rule. Do not mimic their training habits or copy their methods. It will not work because they probably fall into one of the following categories:
They built their bodies a long time ago perhaps when they were younger or during a period they competed in high levels of athletics.
They are genetically gifted and grow muscle even when they laugh.
They are on drugs that mask their sloppy training, bird-like feeding, and non-existent recovery methods.
Whatever the situation, they are not in your shoes nor have they ever walked in your shoes. So, in my opinion, they are not as qualified to give you a solution to your problem as someone who has actually conquered the same obstacles as you.
Would you take money advice from an inherited millionaire? Probably not, right! So why would you take muscle building advice from someone whose muscle fiber type, limb length and muscle/tendon length relationship allows him to bench press 315 pounds the first day he walks into a gym!
Be Prepared To Take The Road Less Traveled...
Just because you have to march to a different drum beat and swim against the tide of mainstream bodybuilding literature does not make your results any less inferior.
Most skinny guys come to me for advice desperate after they have tried everything else with minimal success. At first they were doubtful and hesitant to train in a manner that is counterintuitive.
I truly want you to build a physique that demands respect, turns heads and gets others to approach you for advice. If you are truly committed, determined and persistent then I am confident that by avoiding the top 20 ways to screw up in the gym for 2010, you will build more muscle and gain more weight that ever before!
Mr. Taylor
Who in the last 10 years has influenced you the most with regards to how to train? Where have you and where has everyone else learned how to build muscle?
Would you agree that bodybuilding magazines and websites have contributed to the bulk of the training information and misinformation today? I don't want to be completely critical but I am sure you would agree that the majority of mainstream bodybuilding literature caters to the genetically gifted or drug user — that leaves the rest of us wandering...
Today with the jungle of conflicting and misleading messages I do not want you to make the same titanic mistakes and training errors that are costing thousands of young trainees their dreams to a ripped muscular physique by taking advice from unqualified 'experts', reading rehashed magazines, trading wades of cash for magical pills and powders and 'program hopping' with very little to show for it.
Unless you want to continue to be apart of the mooing herd that is being lead to the slaughter each day, you must learn to filter out the noise and nonsense you are bombarded with each day.
The reality is that there is plenty of free advice dished out in the gym will which can really roadblock your gains if taken as gospel. This can begin a downward spiral of making guys think they are 'hardgainers', training harder and not smarter, taking out a small loan for the next supplement breakthrough and even resort to the 'sauce'. None of this is true or necessary.
I wrote this article to touch on, in my opinion, the most popular and damaging screw-ups used when trying to gain size.
Screw Up #1:
Training Too Frequently & Too Long
Overtraining is a result of training too frequently and/or too long. Don't take a microscope to the definition — overtraining is as simple as that — overtraining. It is a result of one of the following:
o Training too frequently or in excess.
o Training too long.
o Inadequate recovery.
Mainstream bodybuilding literature and science has traditionally focused on the symptoms rather than on the prevention of them. You often read articles on 'overtraining' and 'planned overtraining'. This is unnecessary if you are in control of the training and recovery process, if you train for predetermined periods, and recover in pre-determined ways then you don't need to know anything about overtraining 'syndromes'!
Screw Up #2:
Not Eating Enough Calories
I know you have heard it before but I will say it again — if you are not eating enough calories, you will NEVER gain weight, no matter what you do. THERE IS NO WAY AROUND IT! Even if you have the perfect training routine, you will never grow unless you provide your body with the proper nutrients.
It's like saying you want to build a house but you don't have enough bricks, cement or wood. It will be impossible to build that house. It's like trying to buy a $100,000 house and you only have $50,000. It's going to be downright impossible.
Long story short — if you are not growing there could be two problems: 1.You have not applied energy balance (energy in versus energy out) properly. It is a lot trickier than simply multiplying your bodyweight by a factor of 18-22 as most authors suggest. This factor neglects your unique resting metabolic rate, your unique cost of daily activity, your unique cost of exercise activity and the thermal effect of food.
2. You combine the wrong food at the wrong times. Obviously eating 3000 calories of chips and Doritos is not as effective as eating 3000 calories of high quality carbs, fats and proteins etc. There are also a few critical windows in the day that you must time the majority of your nutrients to maximize muscle growth.
If you wish to ensure that your muscles have enough fuel to support your workouts, train intensely, recover from workout to workout and let's not forget grow NEW muscle, you have to keep track of what you are eating every day. There is no way around it. This is the number one reason why skinny guys never gain weight or why anybody for that matter will not make quality gains that they so desperately strive for.
Screw Up #3:
Not Sleeping Enough
So how does sleep relate to the phenomenon of building big muscles? The number one reason getting enough sleep is so important is because growth hormone levels rise 30-45 minutes after falling asleep and a higher quality of sleep releases testosterone.
If you are more than a recreational weight lifter whose trips to the gym include more motivation than to pick up the cute receptionist, I would suggest the optimal 8-9 hours. However, this is a very individualistic measure and as low as 6 hours can be adequate for some.
Also, it is rumored that every hour of sleep you get before midnight has the equivalent effect of 2 hours sleep. So if you go to bed at 10pm and wake up 6 am — you will feel as if you have just slept 10 hours (not the actual 8 hours). I have to admit personally that I have experienced higher quality sleep going to bed earlier.
Take advantage of power naps — they are not for wimps. Professional bodybuilders take them regularly in the course of a day so there is something to be said about this. 20 minute naps in the middle of the day are said to be the equivalent of a 2 hour sleep. Again, try it out and see for yourself. Naps are extremely beneficial if you did not sleep the night before.
Remember, your muscles grow when you rest — this is the time between weight training sessions. Sleep is the best opportunity to let your muscles rest.
Screw Up #4:
Not Training Above Your Threshold
The stress must be heavy enough to exceed the normal threshold of your muscles. Training with weights at your 60-80% 1 Rep Max (RM) will not stimulate NEW muscle growth.
In other words, if you simply want to have the ability to lift weights to failure using 60-80% of your one rep max than keep doing this because your muscles will accommodate this specific stress. Your muscles will not grow larger than they have to accommodate for that specific stress.
Don't get me wrong — your body will adapt muscularly, neurologically, and structurally to this specific stress — but it will stop and end here. Even if you are increasing reps and sets, the muscle will grow very minimally but there will be NO sufficient reason for your muscle to grow further because you are still within your natural threshold.
Screw Up #5:
Relying On Supplements To Gain Size
Supplements will NOT stimulate muscle growth - exercise does.
Assuming your training, nutrition, lifestyle, and sleep habits are operating on the optimal end of the spectrum, introducing supplements might make a 5-10% difference. You will be more successful taking your fitness to the next level by working on your training, nutrition and sleep first. It will also be easier on your wallet!
Powders are nothing more than crushed up food and loaded with artificial flavoring, preservatives, and lots of chemicals to preserve their shelf life. Shakes are certainly convenient and may assist you in reaching your goal calories but do not ever kid yourself that they will have the same anabolic effect as food.
Dumping chemicals, artificial colors, flavoring, sugars, sweeteners, and preservatives into your body basically turns it into a toxic waste dump! And did you know that this toxic waste loves to attach itself to your fat stores making it even harder to get rid of body fat. You can imagine how much harder it will be to build massive muscle in a toxic environment. What goes in must come out!
Put garbage in and garbage will come out in the form of decreased energy, slow recovery, poor appetite, poor sleep, and poor attitude — all elements critical for muscle building.
When was the last time an athlete won, or a medal was won, or a team won on pills, powders and shakes? Never! Don't get me wrong, there are many time-tested and powerful products that will enhance your recovery, hormonal levels and assist in muscle growth.
Screw Up #6:
Low Testosterone Levels
Unless you are pumping MASSIVE amounts of anabolic steroids in your veins to ARTIFICIALLY increase testosterone levels then stop reading. However if you are a drug-free trainee what you do need is every single secret that will provide the level of support necessary to optimize T-levels safely and naturally!
There are too many tips and tricks to discuss here but I would like to share a few of the most common tricks to keep your T levels elevated and not dropping to that of the guys in the 'arts and crafts' club!
Training too long, lacking true intensity, not targeting your legs, high stress levels, not enough monosaturated fats, and training at the wrong time of day amongst many other pitfalls can lead to T levels to drop so low that 'Captain Willy' will go on permanent vacation.
Screw Up #7:
Not Making Consistent Strength Gains
Let's be honest. When was the last time your strength really went up?
Has your strength averaged at least a 5% increase from week to week or even month to month?
If you are like most trainee's you got stuck at the same weights after the first few months of your first ever exposure to bodybuilding. If not — congratulations, I applaud you and you are doing something right.
I'm also confident to say that you make the majority of your muscular gains in the first few months that you began lifting. Is it safe to say that your muscular gains leveled off at about the same time your strength gains leveled off. Coincidence? Hardly!
Your muscular size is ALMOST (there are many other factors we do not have time to discuss here) a direct correlation to your muscle strength. Have you ever seen someone who can bench press, squat or deadlift a few hundred pounds with a small physique. Very, very rarely!
Screw Up #8:
Training Instinctively And Listening To Your Body
Do professional athletes and teams practice instinctively? Do competitive long distance athletes train without their stop watch? Of course not, so why would someone trying to build muscle approve an ineffective and unproven tool that can lead you astray?
Building muscle is based on improving the intensity of the workout progressively each session. So why complicate things by following this 'inner compass' that has never scientifically been verified to work?
Do you really think your body can decipher between the intensity of 9 reps with 225 lbs in 30 seconds and 13 reps with 185 reps in 45 seconds?
Aside from hearing your muscles yelling at you to stop when the going gets tough, can you really interpret which was more intense? Of course not!
Screw Up #9:
Focusing On Getting A Pump
The 'muscle pump' is described as when you put your muscles under an extended period of constant tension. As your muscles stretch and contract they become gorged with blood that makes them feel tighter and fuller.
Getting a muscle pump is not necessarily what causes the muscle to grow — doing 100 reps with a light rep will create a huge pump — but does this make a muscle grow? Of course not! Distance runners get a pump in their legs when they sprint uphill and do they get big muscles? Heck no!
Most bodybuilders swear by the 'pump' and preach that you are shuttling more nutrients into the muscle — but is that what is really happening?
Sure it feels great, like Arnold says in the unforgettable scene in Pumping Iron, but all that is occurring is a 'back-up' of blood. The blood is 'stuck' inside the muscle, which creates that worshiped tight and full look.
The blood that's backed up into the muscle has hit a dead end and has nowhere to go. If you had fresh new blood that would be great but unfortunately you just have old, stale blood getting ready for a snooze. That will NOT help you gain weight or build muscle mass!
The pump that is built up by the blood in your muscles will usually occur after you repeat set after set which results in a the famous "burning" sensation known as lactic acid. Lactic acid forms in the absence of oxygen. Lactic acid is a WASTE product and does NOTHING to build muscle weight.
Now if you are lifting extremely heavy weights and achieving a pump then this is a very good indication that you are making the muscle fibers work fully. I would only use the pump as an indicator to reveal how well you are 'targeting' the working muscle. Not as you guide to mark your success.
Screw Up #10:
Reading Bodybuilding Magazines
Do you think professional athletes and professional strength training coaches read bodybuilding magazines? If so, it is probably only for humor and to see what kind of garbage their athletes are being exposed to. Do you think high quality, world class athletes and coaches follow the advice found in these magazines?
If they don't, WHY THE HECK WOULD YOU! Even though these magazines may have inspired millions, they have done a better job at misleading millions as well.
It's unbelievable how many young guys think they need creatine and a whole list of other supplements; they need to 'split' up their workouts into 'body parts', and are trying to build muscle in an over trained and undernourished state...and then wonder, 'Why can't I gain weight?' They have no idea that these programs don't work without drugs. These are DRUG routines, and drug routines don't work for natural guys. Period.
The modern mainstream bodybuilding (and even mainstream male and female fitness magazines are guilty) magazines at the newsstands are really just 'muscle comic books' written at a 6th grade level. They glorify drug-using 'bodybuilders' and portray them as the picture of health.
The cleverly combine two or three rehashed articles, a lot of pictures, gimmicks, sex and hype to sell this nonsense to millions. And what does porn-like photo sections have to do with a muscle building magazine? The publishers of some of these magazines beat the hell out of this marketing tactic with partially nude women with their asses hanging out in thongs.
It would be nice if men could pick up a bodybuilding magazine to learn some quality information, not to end up getting an erection...
Even though supplement companies have always been apart of fitness publications (but it was not as blatant in the past) marketers are now the writers and the product is no longer a magazine but rather bottles of pills and protein powders, etc. I would say almost 70% of the articles in magazines have a marketing purpose and it's even hard to tell these days what is an ad and what is just a legitimate article.
Bottom line, there is too many rich supplement companies and too many frustrated weight lifters who are not gaining the size and strength they deserve.
Screw Up #11:
Not Keeping A Training Diary
Tracking your progress is mandatory. This is like professional sports teams competing without keeping score. Or like runners and swimmers working out without a stopwatch. How do you expect to get better? In my opinion, if you workout without a log book you might not be that serious and should reconsider the reasons you workout. Feel free to continue working out - just do not expect any exceptional gains.
Screw Up #12:
Ignoring The Weaknesses
You're only as strong as your weakest link, correct? Many claim to understand this principle yet these same individuals seem to ignore it in application.
If your biceps can curl 50 lbs but your forearms are constantly failing first, then what is the weaker link? Correct, your forearms. Will your forearms ever get stronger and will you ever make further gains on your biceps if you do not fix the root problem? No!
Surprise, surprise that this individual's quads are more developed than his hamstrings and calves and I would not doubt that his calves and hams are weaker relative to his quads causing an anterior pelvic tilt (quads are over reactive and hams are under reactive) resulting in the start of lower back pain...
There are two main reasons why trainees never make consistent muscular and strength gains on a program like this — this is a very generic example but I think you will get the point:
It prioritizes the same muscle sequence endlessly — assuming this is what the trainee does every time he performs this workout he will be emphasizing his quads every workout. Guess what happens to his hamstrings and calves? They begin to lag and become limiting factors of making consistent strength gains. How can we ever make the frame bigger if they are always trained last with a sub-max load?
It prioritizes one muscle group by volume — this simply means that the muscles receiving a greater percentage of training time and effort will receive the greatest benefit and improvements. Common sense right? It's amazing how many guys wonder why their arms, calves, and abs are non-existent.
Think about it. Where do you allocate the volume of your own workout? Don't be surprised if your weaknesses are receiving a lower percentage of volume relative to your stronger and bigger muscles.
Screw Up #13:
Not Stretching At Least Half The Amount Of Time That You Lift
Stretching is not relatively popular nor has it ever been. Most 'current' thinking leads trainees to believe that stretching is 'bad' and results in a fear of the unknown leaving many to avoid it all together. I think the 'fear' is more of an excuse for laziness and an uncertainty of what stretching can actually do. And interestingly, most of the anti-stretch advocates change their reasoning every few years and can not even touch their toes!
Many 'believers' in stretching have learned the side-effects of not stretching, not stretching enough and not stretching effectively. Before you read any more literature on the academic stretch debate I encourage you to decide on this one yourself.
It does not really matter what kind of stretching a person uses, providing that the desired range of motion is achieved and sustained to minimize injury and maximize performance.
Studies show that shortened muscles perform weaker, slower and have a higher incidence of injuries and big muscles require strong, lengthened and healthy tissue — so why would you neglect a component of your fitness that can skyrocket your strength through the roof, maintain healthy specific joint relationships, promote greater joint angles and accelerate recovery.
Screw Up #14:
Training Beyond Failure
Training to 'failure' has probably received more debate, misinterpretation, and improper logic resulting in too much wasted effort. Going to failure— going to the point in a set where you are physically incapable of going just one more rep, hence you 'fail' - is preached as the most promised rule to make continual muscle gains.
Interestingly, there is no activity outside the gym that demonstrates this 'going to failure' principle as critical as bodybuilders have employed.
Growing up as a long distance runner I often stood by and watched the sprinters compete and was astonished by their tremendous quadriceps and hamstring muscle. Yet I never remember watching any sprinter on my team train until failure nor do I recall them ever sprinting through the finish line and collapsing. Yet they did demonstrate a greater amount of muscular work in less time each time they practiced and raced.
Also, I will never forget the phenomenal muscularity of the construction workers I used to work with when I laid bricks and framed houses. Yet I never recall them carrying timber around the yard until they could not pick up one more 2 x 4. Nor do I remember the brick layers moving the bricks around until they could not move them anymore.
Both of these groups had incredible muscularity and were able to stimulate muscle growth without going to failure. So why do so many command that 'failure' is an absolute law for stimulating muscle growth when much evidence shows otherwise?
Improving your bodies sensitivity to the cold does not require you to go outside in the middle of winter with no clothes prior to passing out. Nor, if you want to improve your tan, is it necessary to subject your skin to the sun prior to the moment of blistering. Nor, if you want to improve your ability to hold your breath under water, do you need to go to the point prior to losing consciousness.
Since your bodies primary function in life is to survive it will adapt only to the point where your body has sufficient defense to whatever element it is exposed. Similarly, when lifting weights your body will adapt to the intensity you have exposed it to over time while maintaining your recovery resources.
As you can see, muscle growth stimulation operates on the same principle and does not require overkilling your muscles absolute limit.
Screw Up #15:
You Need To "Shock" Your Muscles And Keep Them "Guessing"
This has got to be one of the silliest and most misleading statements ever made (no hard feeling because in theory it can be convincing). Interestingly, the people who used to give me this advice must have been 'shocking' or 'tricking' their muscles the wrong way because they had no muscle mass on their bodies to back up that statement.
If you think about this myth long enough you might start to laugh. Do you think you can really change your exercises and training routine to 'surprise' your body and get a different reaction out of them?
Your muscles do not have outside eyes that reward you with new muscle growth if you 'confuse' them. Your muscles understand MOVEMENT and that's all — push, pull, curl, extend, contract or release — that's it.
You can be lifting bags of sand or deadlifting 400 pounds and the action on your back is the same — your knees bend and your trunk flexes. So where is the shock? Why would your back muscles say, "Holy Macaroni Batman, you're lifting with an Olympic bar and not sand bags anymore." Better pack on some muscle.
Or maybe you can switch up the order of your routine by hitting a weak body part twice in the week. If you only train your arms once in the week and then 'strategically' throw arms in twice one week then they will be 'confused' and 'shocked' into growing. Please! Your muscles operate on laws of science, not on laws of trickery.
Forget trying to shock, confuse, trick or 'keep the muscle guessing'. The only thing that will be shocked and confused is the person messing around with this theory with no clue why their body has not changed in a month since he started his magic show program.
Your muscles are not shocked by change in exercise. They are designed to tolerate it.
Screw Up #16:
Monday is Chest Day, Tuesday Is Leg Day, Wednesday Is Back Day...
Splitting up a routine is preached like 'gospel' and is rarely on trial or questioned as the way to structure a muscle building routine. If you are a hardgainer then think again!
And sure, splitting up a routine is fine and has some benefits BUT is also the fastest way to overtrain and burn out. Remember, you do not get stronger in the gym — you get stronger and bigger when you go home, rest, sleep, eat and FULLY recover.
To SUPERCOMPENSATE from your previous work out your muscles are not the only thing that must experience a full recovery. Do not neglect the fact that you are taxing and depleting your central nervous system, hormonal system, and immune system — systems that in fact take longer than your muscles to recover.
The Central Nervous System.
The human central nervous system consists of the brain and spinal cord. These lie in the midline of the body and are protected by the skull and vertebrae respectively.
This collection of billions of neurons is arguably the most complex object known.
The central nervous system along with the peripheral nervous system comprise a primary division of controls that command all physical activities of a human.
Neurons of the central nervous system affect consciousness and mental activity while spinal extensions of central nervous system neuron pathways affect skeletal muscles and organs in the body.
Just because your muscles say, "Okay we feel fine, let's train again," you must experience a FULL recovery prior to attempting to stimulate your muscles again for more muscle growth. Because there are so many variables involved in FULL recovery I lay out a easy recovery blueprint.
Screw Up #17:
Low Reps Equal Size And High Reps Equal Cutting
Your muscles do not have much personality — they are either growing, shrinking or staying the same.
If you want your muscle to grow then gradually force your muscles to do more work and outperform your last workouts performance.
If you are content with the size of your muscles right now than this is easy — just keep doing what you are doing. And to make the muscle smaller, this is even easier — simply avoid and do not train it.
You cannot pick certain exercises to get a muscle 'cut' or make a muscle 'huge' - this theory holds no water. Muscle 'cuts' are a reflection of two criteria on the body: pure muscle size and the low levels of body fat (in the single digits).
So if you want to build massive muscles get ready to apply the fundamental principle of progressive overload. And if you wish to get 'cut' and 'ripped' be prepared to drop your body fat levels into the single digits.
Next time you hear someone say, "I just lift light weights to get toned," then pat them on the back and point them in the direction of the cardio room as a better option. Light weights do not build muscle period. They will burn calories and that's all. You're better off maximizing your time by burning calories running or doing jumping jacks. And if you see someone with the goal to get bigger and they are a cardio junkie — grab their hand and lead them to the heavy weights.
Now you know that lowering your body fat is for 'cutting' and heavy weights are for building size.
Screw Up #18:
Alternating Between High Intensity Phases And Low Intensity Phases
The fact is that your muscles will only get bigger and stronger as a result of applying the most fundamental muscle building principle in the book — progressive overload. How will your muscles grow if you reduce the overload for a 'low intensity' phase? No new muscle can be built because there is no overload. When you are train 'light' you are wasting your time and your body's resources.
There is some merit and benefit to training with lower intensities such as active recovery and maintenance and even improving muscular endurance and fat loss. Muscle growth occurs while you rest after high intensity training phases, so if your going to rest - than rest.
Screw Up #19:
Not Lifting Truly Heavy Weights
Your muscles do not want to work any harder than they must. Think of your muscles as being lazy — like a permanent hibernation. They only want to wake up in an extreme emergency and if it will disrupt their sleep.
Your muscles WILL NOT work any harder than necessary and will recruit the least amount of muscle fibers responsible to get the job down. If this means the inactive muscle fibers make no effort or contribution to the lift — so be it. They would rather sleep anyways and not come out of hibernation!
From this we discover that we must do exercises that are extremely demanding (yet avoiding injury) and involve the totality of the muscle. So how do you recruit and use every single muscle fiber without your own MRI machine? You lift really HEAVY WEIGHTS! So heavy that every single muscle fiber must kick in by using all your muscle's capacity. Forget those wimpy isolation exercises that target only part of the muscle.
Screw Up #20:
Setting Outcome Goals Instead Of Performance Goals
What most people don't know is that effective goals focus on performance, not outcome. I will use the term performance to also parallel the word habit.
Performance or habits are what you control. Outcomes are often controlled by others. An outcome goal would be, "I want to gain 30 pounds on the scale," or "I'm going to put two inches on my arms," or "I'm going to bench press 400 pounds next month."
Don't get me wrong, it is okay to set these goals and I actually recommend writing down your outcome goals prior to beginning. However, setting ONLY outcome goals is a sure-fire way of failing.
You see, you do not ultimately have any control when setting outcome goals — how can you possibly control the outcome? Do you know anybody who can control the amount of muscle they build week by week, how much they lift and how to make a muscle grow by making it a goal?
But you can control the habits that are required to build muscle from week to week, increase size and improve your strength. You can set goals like:
o "I'm going to set my timer so that I am reminded to eat every 2.5 hours."
o "I'm going prepare all my food on Sunday evening."
o "I'm going to go the gym in the morning when there are fewer social distractions."
o "I will go to bed before 10:30 pm so that I can get enough sleep to improve my recovery."
o "I will not visit the book store where I will be tempted to look at bodybuilding magazines."
You see the difference?
Goals focus on a specific outcome. Outcome's are out of your control. But you CAN control habit and performance goals.
Bad habits can be starved and destroyed. New habits can be fed and grown. You have the choice and you have the ability to make the decisions that are required to building more and more muscle on a weekly basis. Watch the difference by simply adjusting your mindset on performance goals!
Ex-Skinny Guys
Discover How Ex-Skinny Guys Finally Gained Weight After They Tried Everything Else...
In defense to the mainstream, bodybuilding style approach to building muscle, it does work for some people. The reality is that you probably know some guys training with the traditional 5 or 6 day 'split' program and making some impressive gains. You see, not every guy has to bust his butt in the gym... some guys can grow just by using wimpy 'isolation' exercises; spending more time picking up the girls than picking up the weights and training less intense than you.
I have learned that these guys are the exception and not the rule. Do not mimic their training habits or copy their methods. It will not work because they probably fall into one of the following categories:
They built their bodies a long time ago perhaps when they were younger or during a period they competed in high levels of athletics.
They are genetically gifted and grow muscle even when they laugh.
They are on drugs that mask their sloppy training, bird-like feeding, and non-existent recovery methods.
Whatever the situation, they are not in your shoes nor have they ever walked in your shoes. So, in my opinion, they are not as qualified to give you a solution to your problem as someone who has actually conquered the same obstacles as you.
Would you take money advice from an inherited millionaire? Probably not, right! So why would you take muscle building advice from someone whose muscle fiber type, limb length and muscle/tendon length relationship allows him to bench press 315 pounds the first day he walks into a gym!
Be Prepared To Take The Road Less Traveled...
Just because you have to march to a different drum beat and swim against the tide of mainstream bodybuilding literature does not make your results any less inferior.
Most skinny guys come to me for advice desperate after they have tried everything else with minimal success. At first they were doubtful and hesitant to train in a manner that is counterintuitive.
I truly want you to build a physique that demands respect, turns heads and gets others to approach you for advice. If you are truly committed, determined and persistent then I am confident that by avoiding the top 20 ways to screw up in the gym for 2010, you will build more muscle and gain more weight that ever before!
Mr. Taylor
Thursday, June 10, 2010
My Ultimate Diet to Getting Ripped While Maintaining Muscle Mass
Greetings world, for some time now I've been getting a lot of questions about my "personal" workout / diet, as far as what I do "specifically" in the gym and what I "consistently" eat during the weeks and months I'm training. I often stress the importance of setting a foundation (physically speaking) before taking on new workouts / supplements/ etc, often times I am able to create a workout plan and diet that suites the individual based on their lifestyle, eating habbits, goals etc BUT there still are the select few who REALLY want to go the extra step in their fitness and physique, and for those people..this is for you !
** The Ultimate Diet to Getting Ripped While Maintaining Muscle Mass **
This is MY PERSONAL Diet for 8 weeks. No CHEAT days, None. 56 days Straight. If you can't deal with it, then this isn't for you. If you can hang, The results will be Phenomenal..!
*This is a Diet for someone who is in shape, but just needs to lose those LAST few pounds of Stubborn fat.
*This diet will work ESPECIALLY for those with excess fat in the lower abs, thighs, lower back area.
Diet Guidelines:
Avoid All starches, You don't need them if your goal is to get down to 4-7 Percent body fat.
(1) Eat Tons of Green Veggies (Fiber)
(2) Eat Lots of Healthy fats ex. Steak, Flax Oil, E.V. Olive Oil, Salmon, Fish Oils, etc. (Energy)
(3) Eat TONS of Protein (Preserve Muscles).
(4) DRINK 1-1.5 gallons of H20 a day AT LEAST.
Avoid ALL fruit drinks, Juices, rice, breads.
Eat carb's ONLY after a grueling Glycogen depleting workout. (High intensity)
You will have tons of energy from the healthy fats, good digestion from the fiber, and great muscle hardness and protection from the protein.
**Healthy Fats = Energy Protein = Muscle Hardness, Muscle Protection Fiber = Digestion, and various other health benefits.**
*Basically :Healthy Fats, Lots of Fiber, And TONS of Protein. That's the key.*
Not only will you DROP bodyfat while maintaing muscle, but you will ALSO have an abundance of energy and your skin (complexion) will be looking great as well.
**This example is right out of my food log**
Meals for January 16, 2010:
(1) 3 servings of Whey/ 1 tablespoon of Flax Oil
(2) 8-10 OZ London Broil Steak (Extra Lean)/ 1-2 cups Green Veggies.
(3) Grilled Salmon/ 1-2 cups Green Veggies.
(4) 3 servings of Whey/ 1 tablespoon of Flax Oil
(5) 2 Cans of Tuna/ Chopped Onions/Celery/ 1 tablespoon of Safflower Mayonnaise.
(6) (Post Workout) MRP or 2 servings of Whey/10 OZ Orange Juice.
(7) 8-10oz Extra Lean Steak/ 2 cups Veggies.
Breaks Down to About:
Protein 1.5 - 2 grams per lb of bodyweight Fat .5 -.75grams per pound of bodyweight carbs (only post workout) 30-50 grams fiber in the form of green veggies - As much as possible.
Do NOT take ANY FAT BURNERS...Why? They will Suppress your appetite TOO much, You need to eat every 2 hours. If you take a fat burner you won't be up to it.
1 Multivitamin Extra Zinc 30 - "50mgs Fish Oil Caps Flax Oil Liquid 200mcg Selenium 800mgs Folic Acid 800iu Vitamin E 2 grams Vitamin C." This is a Standard Multi - v.
Staying ACTIVE!! is the KEY. ALWAYSSSS stay Active.
Lift four times a Week. Alternate Between Heavy Low Rep workouts, and high repetition moderate weight workouts.
Cardio, 4-7 days a week, Alernate Between 20 min High Intensity (Jump Ropes, Sprints) and Low intensity for 45min - 1hour (Such as walking, light jogging)
This DIET is NOT easy by any means. It takes proper planning a day ahead of time (you have to have the steaks / veggies / chicken / salmon, etc, thawed out before cooking them, put stuff in plastic ware just have to be prepared). Be prepared to Go through at LEAST one pound of lean steak a day, and 10 servings of whey protein powder a day and TONS of green veggies a day. Be prepared to be going grocery shopping at least twice a week.
Like I said this diet is not easy, But oh well, No one said this game is easy.
But remember if you can stick through it for 8 grueling weeks, you'll be amazed at the end with your results.
Good Luck, Keep me posted for those that give it a try.
** The Ultimate Diet to Getting Ripped While Maintaining Muscle Mass **
This is MY PERSONAL Diet for 8 weeks. No CHEAT days, None. 56 days Straight. If you can't deal with it, then this isn't for you. If you can hang, The results will be Phenomenal..!
*This is a Diet for someone who is in shape, but just needs to lose those LAST few pounds of Stubborn fat.
*This diet will work ESPECIALLY for those with excess fat in the lower abs, thighs, lower back area.
Diet Guidelines:
Avoid All starches, You don't need them if your goal is to get down to 4-7 Percent body fat.
(1) Eat Tons of Green Veggies (Fiber)
(2) Eat Lots of Healthy fats ex. Steak, Flax Oil, E.V. Olive Oil, Salmon, Fish Oils, etc. (Energy)
(3) Eat TONS of Protein (Preserve Muscles).
(4) DRINK 1-1.5 gallons of H20 a day AT LEAST.
Avoid ALL fruit drinks, Juices, rice, breads.
Eat carb's ONLY after a grueling Glycogen depleting workout. (High intensity)
You will have tons of energy from the healthy fats, good digestion from the fiber, and great muscle hardness and protection from the protein.
**Healthy Fats = Energy Protein = Muscle Hardness, Muscle Protection Fiber = Digestion, and various other health benefits.**
*Basically :Healthy Fats, Lots of Fiber, And TONS of Protein. That's the key.*
Not only will you DROP bodyfat while maintaing muscle, but you will ALSO have an abundance of energy and your skin (complexion) will be looking great as well.
**This example is right out of my food log**
Meals for January 16, 2010:
(1) 3 servings of Whey/ 1 tablespoon of Flax Oil
(2) 8-10 OZ London Broil Steak (Extra Lean)/ 1-2 cups Green Veggies.
(3) Grilled Salmon/ 1-2 cups Green Veggies.
(4) 3 servings of Whey/ 1 tablespoon of Flax Oil
(5) 2 Cans of Tuna/ Chopped Onions/Celery/ 1 tablespoon of Safflower Mayonnaise.
(6) (Post Workout) MRP or 2 servings of Whey/10 OZ Orange Juice.
(7) 8-10oz Extra Lean Steak/ 2 cups Veggies.
Breaks Down to About:
Protein 1.5 - 2 grams per lb of bodyweight Fat .5 -.75grams per pound of bodyweight carbs (only post workout) 30-50 grams fiber in the form of green veggies - As much as possible.
Do NOT take ANY FAT BURNERS...Why? They will Suppress your appetite TOO much, You need to eat every 2 hours. If you take a fat burner you won't be up to it.
1 Multivitamin Extra Zinc 30 - "50mgs Fish Oil Caps Flax Oil Liquid 200mcg Selenium 800mgs Folic Acid 800iu Vitamin E 2 grams Vitamin C." This is a Standard Multi - v.
Staying ACTIVE!! is the KEY. ALWAYSSSS stay Active.
Lift four times a Week. Alternate Between Heavy Low Rep workouts, and high repetition moderate weight workouts.
Cardio, 4-7 days a week, Alernate Between 20 min High Intensity (Jump Ropes, Sprints) and Low intensity for 45min - 1hour (Such as walking, light jogging)
This DIET is NOT easy by any means. It takes proper planning a day ahead of time (you have to have the steaks / veggies / chicken / salmon, etc, thawed out before cooking them, put stuff in plastic ware just have to be prepared). Be prepared to Go through at LEAST one pound of lean steak a day, and 10 servings of whey protein powder a day and TONS of green veggies a day. Be prepared to be going grocery shopping at least twice a week.
Like I said this diet is not easy, But oh well, No one said this game is easy.
But remember if you can stick through it for 8 grueling weeks, you'll be amazed at the end with your results.
Good Luck, Keep me posted for those that give it a try.
Monday, June 7, 2010
"The Importance of Breakfast"
The American Dietetic Association says breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
Eating breakfast not only aids in weight management, it fuels the body to help provide energy, better concentration and problem-solving ability throughout the day, according to the food and nutrition experts at the American Dietetic Association.
There are plenty of reasons why individuals do this, be it that they are too busy to prepare something, think that saving the calories from this meal will help them with weight loss or simply just do not like breakfast foods.
"The Benefits Of Breakfast"
Despite the healthful benefits, breakfast may be the meal that is most often neglected or skipped, this is unfortunate because not eating in the morning is going to cause you to become ravenous later on in the day, making it that much harder to control your hunger and food selection. When you are out at work or running errands, you might find that your selection of foods to choose from is much more limited to vending machine fair and that is not something that is going to do your diet justice.
It is generally seen that individuals who do consume up to a 1/3 of their daily calories in the morning meal will eat less later on that day. When you don't, your body tends to want to play catch-up with the calories and often surpasses what you would have eaten otherwise.
Additionally, without having some fuel in your system, you simply will not have the same concentration levels that you otherwise would and your work or school performance is going to suffer. You wouldn't try and drive an empty car to work would you? So why drive an empty body?
Breakfast doesn't have to always be traditional breakfast food. It is perfectly fine to have last night's leftovers the next day if you simply cannot stomach typical cereal or toast. You might even find that dinner type food is more easily transportable to take to the office so if you are in a rush you can just eat at your desk. We all know that milk and cereal wouldn't quite hold out in this circumstance.
Another option for those who have issues with solids in the morning is to simply create a breakfast shake. There are a multitude of recipes out there that will work with any taste bud preferences. The important thing is to try and get some protein and carbs in with the shake as well as preferably some fat. This will provide some sustaining energy that will power you through the morning.
"Beware Of Carb Only Meals"
Whatever you do, just do NOT eat a carbohydrate only breakfast. This will cause a drastic increase in blood sugar levels, particularly if they are refined carbohydrates, and then a significant drop, which will have you turning to any edible product around. Examples of what not to eat would be a single donut, a plain bagel, one apple, etc. Rather have (if you must) a donut with some yogurt, a bagel with peanut butter, and apple with a small piece of low fat cheese and so on. This will help to give you a complete meal, one in which your body will appreciate much more.
There are many different cereal bars that are out on the market today and I would caution you against grabbing one of these for breakfast. Typically they are simply just carbs and only about 100-200 calories. This is not substantial enough to pass for a meal and the fact it is just simple carbohydrates again will leave you with the problem presented above.
So tomorrow morning set your alarm 10 minutes earlier to give yourself a chance to have a morning meal. Your body and mind will thank you later on in the day
Here is what I PERSONALLY eat for breakfast during a regular working week:
"Simple to Fix Breakfasts"
1.Sunday Breakfast: Veggie omelet (two eggs, diced red or green peppers, diced onions, halved cherry or grape tomatoes, salt, pepper, turmeric)
2.Monday Breakfast: Protein energy bar ( Muscle Milk Bars, lactose free )
3.Tuesday Breakfast: Oatmeal with walnuts and blueberries
4.Wednesday Breakfast: Fresh banana along with handful of almonds or granola mix.
5.Thursday Breakfast: Yogurt and fruit smoothie
6.Friday Breakfast: Whole wheat toast spread with peanut butter, fresh apple or pear
7.Saturday Breakfast: Cottage cheese, mandarin oranges, rye crackers
Eating breakfast not only aids in weight management, it fuels the body to help provide energy, better concentration and problem-solving ability throughout the day, according to the food and nutrition experts at the American Dietetic Association.
There are plenty of reasons why individuals do this, be it that they are too busy to prepare something, think that saving the calories from this meal will help them with weight loss or simply just do not like breakfast foods.
"The Benefits Of Breakfast"
Despite the healthful benefits, breakfast may be the meal that is most often neglected or skipped, this is unfortunate because not eating in the morning is going to cause you to become ravenous later on in the day, making it that much harder to control your hunger and food selection. When you are out at work or running errands, you might find that your selection of foods to choose from is much more limited to vending machine fair and that is not something that is going to do your diet justice.
It is generally seen that individuals who do consume up to a 1/3 of their daily calories in the morning meal will eat less later on that day. When you don't, your body tends to want to play catch-up with the calories and often surpasses what you would have eaten otherwise.
Additionally, without having some fuel in your system, you simply will not have the same concentration levels that you otherwise would and your work or school performance is going to suffer. You wouldn't try and drive an empty car to work would you? So why drive an empty body?
Breakfast doesn't have to always be traditional breakfast food. It is perfectly fine to have last night's leftovers the next day if you simply cannot stomach typical cereal or toast. You might even find that dinner type food is more easily transportable to take to the office so if you are in a rush you can just eat at your desk. We all know that milk and cereal wouldn't quite hold out in this circumstance.
Another option for those who have issues with solids in the morning is to simply create a breakfast shake. There are a multitude of recipes out there that will work with any taste bud preferences. The important thing is to try and get some protein and carbs in with the shake as well as preferably some fat. This will provide some sustaining energy that will power you through the morning.
"Beware Of Carb Only Meals"
Whatever you do, just do NOT eat a carbohydrate only breakfast. This will cause a drastic increase in blood sugar levels, particularly if they are refined carbohydrates, and then a significant drop, which will have you turning to any edible product around. Examples of what not to eat would be a single donut, a plain bagel, one apple, etc. Rather have (if you must) a donut with some yogurt, a bagel with peanut butter, and apple with a small piece of low fat cheese and so on. This will help to give you a complete meal, one in which your body will appreciate much more.
There are many different cereal bars that are out on the market today and I would caution you against grabbing one of these for breakfast. Typically they are simply just carbs and only about 100-200 calories. This is not substantial enough to pass for a meal and the fact it is just simple carbohydrates again will leave you with the problem presented above.
So tomorrow morning set your alarm 10 minutes earlier to give yourself a chance to have a morning meal. Your body and mind will thank you later on in the day
Here is what I PERSONALLY eat for breakfast during a regular working week:
"Simple to Fix Breakfasts"
1.Sunday Breakfast: Veggie omelet (two eggs, diced red or green peppers, diced onions, halved cherry or grape tomatoes, salt, pepper, turmeric)
2.Monday Breakfast: Protein energy bar ( Muscle Milk Bars, lactose free )
3.Tuesday Breakfast: Oatmeal with walnuts and blueberries
4.Wednesday Breakfast: Fresh banana along with handful of almonds or granola mix.
5.Thursday Breakfast: Yogurt and fruit smoothie
6.Friday Breakfast: Whole wheat toast spread with peanut butter, fresh apple or pear
7.Saturday Breakfast: Cottage cheese, mandarin oranges, rye crackers
Sunday, June 6, 2010
The Best Diet Advice? Don't Diet!
Dear Corey,
I'm struggling to lose weight and keep it off. I've tried so many diets, but I'm very determined and refuse to give up. i usually do great at first but end up putting the weight back on. what diet will work best to help me lose weight and not gain it back?
-Irma Rucker, Nashville, TN
Dear Irma,
Despite the way it feels, losing weight isn't a mysterious process. It's a simple matter of burning more calories than you eat. But, if it were really that simple, none of us would have a weight problem, would we? Weight loss can be such a struggle that we start thinking we have to do something drastic to see results -- diets, pills or those weird fitness gadgets on infomercials that promise instant success. The true secret to weight loss is this: Make small changes each and every day and you'll slowly (but surely) lose those extra pounds. The key is to forget about instant results and settle in for the long run.
Today we will discuss the following...
•Healthy eating
•Why choose a healthy diet?
•The Food Pyramid-putting together a healthy diet
Having a healthy diet is sometimes easier said than done. It is tempting to turn to less healthy food choices because they might be easy to get or prepare, or they satisfy a craving. Between family and work or school, you are probably balancing a hundred things at once. Taking time to buy the ingredients for and cooking a healthy meal sometimes falls last on your list. But you should know that it isn't hard to make simple changes to improve your diet. And you can make sense of the mounds of nutrition information out there. A little learning and planning can help you find a diet to fit your lifestyle, and maybe you can have some fun in the process!
Why Choose a Healthy Diet?
Obesity in women is on the rise. Overall, about one third of all women are obese. But some groups of women suffer more. Half of African American women and 40 percent of Mexican American women are obese. Native Hawaiian and Samoan women are among the most obese in the world. Obesity is measured with a body mass index (BMI), which shows the relationship of weight to height. As a woman's body mass increases, so does her risk for serious health problems. Some of these problems include heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and some cancers. A woman's weight is affected by how much physical activity she does, her diet, and her genes. So having a healthy diet is one of the most important things you can do to help your overall health. If you burn as many calories as you take in, your weight remains the same. If you take in fewer calories than you burn, you will lose weight. So make sure the foods you eat are healthy ones that will work hard for your body.
The Food Pyramid-Putting Together a Healthy Diet
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) release Dietary Guidelines for Americans. The Food Guide Pyramid shows how different food groups can come together to form your total diet. Eating is one of life's greatest pleasures. Because there are many foods and many ways to build a healthy diet, there is lots of room for smart, healthy choices. You can use the pyramid as a starting point. Choose the recommended number of daily servings from each of the five major food groups.
You might have seen some of the other food pyramids by other groups of health care providers, or pyramids for different ethnic groups, like the Puerto Rican, "Soul Food," Vegetarian style, or Latin American style pyramids. You could use any one of them for healthy eating, depending on what kinds of food are available to you and your culture's traditions. For more, please read the "2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans: Key Recommendations for the General Population" article.
*Here is some basic knowledge and tips for "Healthy Eating"*
Instead of being overly concerned with counting calories or measuring portion sizes, think of your diet in terms of color, variety and freshness—then it should be easier to make healthy choices. Focus on finding foods you love and easy recipes that incorporate a few fresh ingredients. Gradually, your diet will become healthier and more delicious.
Start slow and make changes to your eating habits over time. Trying to make your diet healthy overnight isn’t realistic or smart. Changing everything at once usually leads to cheating or giving up on your new eating plan. Make small steps, like adding a salad (full of different color vegetables) to your diet once a day or switching from butter to olive oil when cooking. As your small changes become habit, you can continue to add more healthy choices to your diet.
Every change you make to improve your diet matters. You don’t have to be perfect and you don’t have to completely eliminate foods you enjoy to have a healthy diet. The long term goal is to feel good, have more energy and reduce the risk of cancer and disease. Don’t let your missteps derail you—every healthy food choice you make counts.
Try not to think of certain foods as “off limits.” When you ban certain foods or food groups, it is natural to want those foods more, and then feel like a failure if you give in to temptation. If you are drawn towards sweet, salty or unhealthy foods, start by reducing portion sizes and not eating them as often. Later you may find yourself craving them less or thinking of them as only occasional indulgences.
Think smaller portions. Serving sizes have ballooned recently, particularly in restaurants. When dining out, choose a starter instead of an entrĂ©e, split a dish with a friend, and don’t order supersized anything. At home, use smaller plates, think about serving sizes in realistic terms and start small. Visual cues can help with portion sizes—your serving of meat, fish or chicken should be the size of a deck of cards. A teaspoon of oil or salad dressing is about the size of a matchbook and your slice of bread should be the size of a CD case.
Eat with others whenever possible. Eating with other people has numerous social and emotional benefits—particularly for children—and allows you to model healthy eating habits. Eating in front of the TV or computer often leads to mindless overeating.
Take time to chew your food and enjoy mealtimes. Chew your food slowly, savoring every bite. We tend to rush though our meals, forgetting to actually taste the flavors and feel the textures of what is in our mouths. Reconnect with the joy of eating.
Listen to your body. Ask yourself if you are really hungry, or have a glass of water to see if you are thirsty instead of hungry. During a meal, stop eating before you feel full. It actually takes a few minutes for your brain to tell your body that it has had enough food, so eat slowly.
Eat breakfast, and eat smaller meals throughout the day. A healthy breakfast can jumpstart your metabolism, and eating small, healthy meals throughout the day (rather than the standard three large meals) keeps your energy up and your metabolism going.
Greens: Greens are packed with calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, zinc, vitamins A, C, E and K, and they help strengthen the blood and respiratory systems. Be adventurous with your greens and branch out beyond bright and dark green lettuce—kale, mustard greens, broccoli, Chinese cabbage are just a few of the options.
Sweet vegetables: Naturally sweet vegetables add healthy sweetness to your meals and reduce your cravings for other sweets. Some examples of sweet vegetables are corn, carrots, beets, sweet potatoes or yams, winter squash, and onions.
Fruit: A wide variety of fruit is also vital to a healthy diet. Fruit provides fiber, vitamins and antioxidants. Berries are cancer-fighting, apples provide fiber, oranges and mangos offer vitamin C, and so on.
Try different types of protein. Whether or not you are a vegetarian, trying different protein sources—such as beans, nuts, seeds, peas, tofu and soy products—will open up new options for healthy mealtimes.
*Beans: Black beans, navy beans, garbanzos, and lentils are good options.
*Nuts: Almonds, walnuts, pistachios and pecans are great choices.
*Soy products: Try tofu, soy milk, tempeh and veggie burgers for a change.
*Avoid salted or sugary nuts and refried beans.
These tips look at ways you can use your mind to out-smart your stomach!
I'm struggling to lose weight and keep it off. I've tried so many diets, but I'm very determined and refuse to give up. i usually do great at first but end up putting the weight back on. what diet will work best to help me lose weight and not gain it back?
-Irma Rucker, Nashville, TN
Dear Irma,
Despite the way it feels, losing weight isn't a mysterious process. It's a simple matter of burning more calories than you eat. But, if it were really that simple, none of us would have a weight problem, would we? Weight loss can be such a struggle that we start thinking we have to do something drastic to see results -- diets, pills or those weird fitness gadgets on infomercials that promise instant success. The true secret to weight loss is this: Make small changes each and every day and you'll slowly (but surely) lose those extra pounds. The key is to forget about instant results and settle in for the long run.
Today we will discuss the following...
•Healthy eating
•Why choose a healthy diet?
•The Food Pyramid-putting together a healthy diet
Having a healthy diet is sometimes easier said than done. It is tempting to turn to less healthy food choices because they might be easy to get or prepare, or they satisfy a craving. Between family and work or school, you are probably balancing a hundred things at once. Taking time to buy the ingredients for and cooking a healthy meal sometimes falls last on your list. But you should know that it isn't hard to make simple changes to improve your diet. And you can make sense of the mounds of nutrition information out there. A little learning and planning can help you find a diet to fit your lifestyle, and maybe you can have some fun in the process!
Why Choose a Healthy Diet?
Obesity in women is on the rise. Overall, about one third of all women are obese. But some groups of women suffer more. Half of African American women and 40 percent of Mexican American women are obese. Native Hawaiian and Samoan women are among the most obese in the world. Obesity is measured with a body mass index (BMI), which shows the relationship of weight to height. As a woman's body mass increases, so does her risk for serious health problems. Some of these problems include heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and some cancers. A woman's weight is affected by how much physical activity she does, her diet, and her genes. So having a healthy diet is one of the most important things you can do to help your overall health. If you burn as many calories as you take in, your weight remains the same. If you take in fewer calories than you burn, you will lose weight. So make sure the foods you eat are healthy ones that will work hard for your body.
The Food Pyramid-Putting Together a Healthy Diet
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) release Dietary Guidelines for Americans. The Food Guide Pyramid shows how different food groups can come together to form your total diet. Eating is one of life's greatest pleasures. Because there are many foods and many ways to build a healthy diet, there is lots of room for smart, healthy choices. You can use the pyramid as a starting point. Choose the recommended number of daily servings from each of the five major food groups.
You might have seen some of the other food pyramids by other groups of health care providers, or pyramids for different ethnic groups, like the Puerto Rican, "Soul Food," Vegetarian style, or Latin American style pyramids. You could use any one of them for healthy eating, depending on what kinds of food are available to you and your culture's traditions. For more, please read the "2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans: Key Recommendations for the General Population" article.
*Here is some basic knowledge and tips for "Healthy Eating"*
Instead of being overly concerned with counting calories or measuring portion sizes, think of your diet in terms of color, variety and freshness—then it should be easier to make healthy choices. Focus on finding foods you love and easy recipes that incorporate a few fresh ingredients. Gradually, your diet will become healthier and more delicious.
Start slow and make changes to your eating habits over time. Trying to make your diet healthy overnight isn’t realistic or smart. Changing everything at once usually leads to cheating or giving up on your new eating plan. Make small steps, like adding a salad (full of different color vegetables) to your diet once a day or switching from butter to olive oil when cooking. As your small changes become habit, you can continue to add more healthy choices to your diet.
Every change you make to improve your diet matters. You don’t have to be perfect and you don’t have to completely eliminate foods you enjoy to have a healthy diet. The long term goal is to feel good, have more energy and reduce the risk of cancer and disease. Don’t let your missteps derail you—every healthy food choice you make counts.
Try not to think of certain foods as “off limits.” When you ban certain foods or food groups, it is natural to want those foods more, and then feel like a failure if you give in to temptation. If you are drawn towards sweet, salty or unhealthy foods, start by reducing portion sizes and not eating them as often. Later you may find yourself craving them less or thinking of them as only occasional indulgences.
Think smaller portions. Serving sizes have ballooned recently, particularly in restaurants. When dining out, choose a starter instead of an entrĂ©e, split a dish with a friend, and don’t order supersized anything. At home, use smaller plates, think about serving sizes in realistic terms and start small. Visual cues can help with portion sizes—your serving of meat, fish or chicken should be the size of a deck of cards. A teaspoon of oil or salad dressing is about the size of a matchbook and your slice of bread should be the size of a CD case.
Eat with others whenever possible. Eating with other people has numerous social and emotional benefits—particularly for children—and allows you to model healthy eating habits. Eating in front of the TV or computer often leads to mindless overeating.
Take time to chew your food and enjoy mealtimes. Chew your food slowly, savoring every bite. We tend to rush though our meals, forgetting to actually taste the flavors and feel the textures of what is in our mouths. Reconnect with the joy of eating.
Listen to your body. Ask yourself if you are really hungry, or have a glass of water to see if you are thirsty instead of hungry. During a meal, stop eating before you feel full. It actually takes a few minutes for your brain to tell your body that it has had enough food, so eat slowly.
Eat breakfast, and eat smaller meals throughout the day. A healthy breakfast can jumpstart your metabolism, and eating small, healthy meals throughout the day (rather than the standard three large meals) keeps your energy up and your metabolism going.
Greens: Greens are packed with calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, zinc, vitamins A, C, E and K, and they help strengthen the blood and respiratory systems. Be adventurous with your greens and branch out beyond bright and dark green lettuce—kale, mustard greens, broccoli, Chinese cabbage are just a few of the options.
Sweet vegetables: Naturally sweet vegetables add healthy sweetness to your meals and reduce your cravings for other sweets. Some examples of sweet vegetables are corn, carrots, beets, sweet potatoes or yams, winter squash, and onions.
Fruit: A wide variety of fruit is also vital to a healthy diet. Fruit provides fiber, vitamins and antioxidants. Berries are cancer-fighting, apples provide fiber, oranges and mangos offer vitamin C, and so on.
Try different types of protein. Whether or not you are a vegetarian, trying different protein sources—such as beans, nuts, seeds, peas, tofu and soy products—will open up new options for healthy mealtimes.
*Beans: Black beans, navy beans, garbanzos, and lentils are good options.
*Nuts: Almonds, walnuts, pistachios and pecans are great choices.
*Soy products: Try tofu, soy milk, tempeh and veggie burgers for a change.
*Avoid salted or sugary nuts and refried beans.
These tips look at ways you can use your mind to out-smart your stomach!
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